Preparing for the Great Global Shift with Elizabeth Wood

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We’ve been watching for the Awakening of humankind and we are now entering into one of the largest waves of change to come! This coming Winter Solstice has a very important message – It’s time to stand with Mother Earth and Mother Divine as they break down what is left of the Matrix in human systems. Spiritually, we all know what this means and have been aware of it if we’ve done a minimal amount of research. The financial systems of Earth, the political systems, the distribution systems, and everything that has made up the Patriarchy, is coming down. We will have to sift through what is left and choose certain aspects we want to keep. We will have to rebuild from the local community level in order to see the full replenishing of our relationship with Earth. Let’s get prepared spiritually, emotionally, and physically together!

Rebekah Renee: ANGELS 911 Presents: Photonic Illumination; Baptism By Fire

In the beginning, God Created Man in His Image, and he was Immortal.
These Codes of Creation were stored in the original primordial genetics of the RNA, 4.2 billion years ago. Over time, humanity has devolved as mortal beings on Earth, losing our God-Hood.
The Angels of 911 Now ReAwaken our Genetic Codes of Genesis. This creates the next evolution of Humanity known as Homo-Luminous.