Nora WalksInSpirit: Activating the Codes of the Crystalline Consciousness Update

During the 9-9 Gateway, Nora engaged in sonar & telepathic communication with the whales at Gasp Bay Pennisula in Northern Quebec. During today’s show Nora will provide us with an update to prepare our consciousness and awaken the dormant DNA and the dormant consciousness of who we are back into the regular format of a higher molecular magnetic field in our bodies. It will be done thru the so below magnetic fields of Gaia and her whales and it will be aligned above and beyond intelligence of the dimensions to crossover into our crystal DNA threads that will be awakened and tapped into by the whales.

QCTV: Richard London Divine Healing For Your Better Living

This is the first of it’s kind “HEALING EVENT”.

Dr. Richard London will summon ten’s of millions of HEALING Angels, Arch Angels, Ascended Master and Beings of the Seventh Ray.

This will be Target Healings for Body Pain, Childhood Pain, Disease,Drama, Emotional Triggers, Depression, Divorce, Family Future, Forgiveness, Grief, Heart, Mind, Past, Present, Soul, Spirit and Wellness to Flow in every area of your Life and More……… Blessings, Dr. Richard London.

QCTV: Brian Besco Transcending the Matrix

Holding higher spaces than we have ever gone before, this workshop is for those who are ready to align with Soul-level transformations, to transcend the limits of Duality. The work shared comes from the newest processes we have been doing with ourselves and with clients. This tangible, high-level consciousness work is available to anyone who can stay present and follow the field in which Brian will hold and guide you in.