QCTV: Erik Roth Turbulent Times and the 3 Worlds

Shamanic Astrology utilizes the 3-worlds approach and in this current time of the Saturn-Jupiter-Pluto alignment taking place in Capricorn, it is vital to tune into the other worlds for guidance and assistance. The underworld is a place to face fears, surrender and transform while the upper or celestial world helps connect us to the divine or cosmic wisdom and spirituality.

Tamara Herl: Portals to Guidance

In today’s interview, Tamara Herl will talk about her program, Portals to Guidance, and leading you through a guided meditation to help you connect with Universal Guidance through the portal of Nature so you can explore what YOUR role might be in helping to create the New Earth. Don’t wait for someone else to fix what’s broken in society! Get the tools you need so YOU can become the one you’ve been waiting for!