Elizabeth Wood: How to Embrace the Void and Thrive in Change
We’re heading into a time of unknown energies which feel like “The Void”. What will it take for us to thrive in this time, vs feeling like we’re falling apart?
We’re heading into a time of unknown energies which feel like “The Void”. What will it take for us to thrive in this time, vs feeling like we’re falling apart?
Join Universal Healer, Lyran Starseed, inner-planetary grid worker and Eternal Tree of Life Ambassador, Amba Aliana’Hi in a quantum conversation about the Ancient Tree Grid Network that is reawakening on the Planet at this time.
It is our turn to attend to the frequency that governs our global consciousness.
For 3 decades Creator Beings Above All Universes have infused their Golden Frequency into this Universe, galvanizing an immense project that has diverted a catastrophic scenario where Darkness may easily have ruled our World.