Mastery Empowerment Course: The Arcturian Powers

3 sessions in Audio & Video Download

In this next installment of the Mastery Empowerment series, we will be working with the Arcturian energies and consciousness to accelerate our understanding and development of our inner nature and natural powers of expression and manifestation through the Divine into the physical world.  We will be exposed to a new set of Arcturian Frequencies called the Arcturian Powers.  These frequencies are based on the four directional model and the four mystical tools framework. 

Mastery Empowerment Class: Arcturian Optimum Performance Transmissions with Gene Ang

3 Sessions: Home Study

In this Mastery Empowerment class, we will be exposed to the latest Arcturian Healing Healing Frequencies. After each exposure to the frequencies, there will be some time for discussion of your experiences and answering of any questions that arise from the process. The three days are meant to be an opportunity for the acceleration of consciousness and spiritual development utilizing the latest Arcturian frequencies hitting the planet.

Mastery Empowerment Class: 3M Healing Frequencies with Gene Ang

3 Sessions: Audio Download

In this Mastery Empowerment class, we will be exposed to the latest Arcturian Healing Healing Frequencies. After each exposure to the frequencies, there will be some time for discussion of your experiences and answering of any questions that arise from the process. The three days are meant to be an opportunity for the acceleration of consciousness and spiritual development utilizing the latest Arcturian frequencies hitting the planet.