Lauren Galey: Money Games
Learn how you can shift your money vibration with a few simple games that open your consciousness to the flow of money, giving and receiving, sharing with others by offering “Love bombs” to the unexpected.
Learn how you can shift your money vibration with a few simple games that open your consciousness to the flow of money, giving and receiving, sharing with others by offering “Love bombs” to the unexpected.
Free Course: Now Streaming
The Merging of the present light frequencies, along with the ability we have to play and experience the many aspects of ourselves and know that we can sore, cannot be denied. I have been asked to reveal and activate deeper levels of “channeling” abilities in each of you. “Channeling” — as in communicating with, merging towards and playfully utilizing all that is.
FREE Course : Now Streaming
Join Gene Ang for this Session of Arcturian Healing Frequencies and Dream Space Exploration Tools.
Audio & Video course
Peace Pilgrim is standing in my bedroom doorway asking you to help spread her Message For Peace & to consider accepting her Invitation to Join her as a Peace Pilgrim in whatever way Speaks to your Heart
Free Webinar: Now Streaming
You are invited to join is in this gifted Mastery Empowerment Course and sound healing ceremony for New Earth in which we proudly and lovingly command our crowns, our mastery, our embodiment as pure love master builders of New Earth. Featuring sonic activations with sound healing facilitator and Keeper of the Trees Christopher Parnell. Christopher transcribes the profound wisdom of Gaia and the tree beings through the vibrational resonance of his hand-made didgeridoos. All trees are gifts from the forest beings as felled trees.
Free Webinar: Now Streaming
Have you heard of something called the Mandela Effect? Many people are noticing changes between how they remember events, and what the current historical records show. People are observing changes in physiology, geography, books, music, TV and movies, as well as just about every aspect of our lives. The significance of this phenomenon is that we may be witnessing first-hand evidence of the way that collective consciousness can physically influence physical reality.
Free Webinar: Now Streaming
The Health Concept of the Future – Today!
Revolutionary Scientific Tools for Your Healing! Innovative Russian Doctor and Scientist!
Emphasis will be on why the immune defense systems weakens and what you can do to boost it. Oxygenating your cells and Structuring your body’s fluids can have amazing effects on your immune system…and your entire health
Free Webinar: Now Streaming
For Ascension Body Symptoms, Inflammation & Weakened Immunity Systems
Greetings New Earth Light Warriors, Ascending Masters & Timeline Transformers,
On Demand Video with Audio download – 2. 5 hours
Audio Activation 2 Hours
Be guided into a sacred journey to who you are, beyond the physical form. Receive a DNA Attunement, Sound Healing, Light Language Transmission, and activate information stored within your cellular memory. Meet yourself as yourself, as your true intended version.