Sophie Bidard: Reclaim The Lost Multidimensional Treasures of Your Lineage

Join this Quantum Conversation with Trailblazer & Master Light Weaver Sophie Bidard ~ The keys will be revealed to reclaiming the lost multidimensional treasures of your lineage, which are your birthright! Sophie will be doing Live Intuitive Readings: “Where are the Karmic Entanglements of Suppression attached in my Aura?” and offering Power Claiming Keys, linguistic keys specially crafted with your Higher Self, to claim your power in regards to those insights from your intuitive reading.

Online Healing Retreat with Cynthia Charis – Diamond Light of Transcendence

Four 1-Hour Audio Transmissions
This extraordinary series of 4 one-hour long meditations, you are enveloped within cosmic diamond plasma streams of photonic light. These living transmissions help to activate the stargate of ascension within you, awaken your Higher Bodies of Consciousness, and help you become one with your Transcendent Self.  During the course of these journeys, you expand into your diamond light body, awaken your cosmic heart, and ascend the crystalline spiral staircase to embody the fullest expression of the Cosmic Being That You Are.