Nora WalksInSpirit: Preparing for the 12:12 Gateway

Join noraWalksInSpirit with the Infinite Masters of Light igniting Light Frequencies in the STILLNESS as Harmonic Languages of Infinite Intelligences bath your Mind Body and Soul.
PLUS, Nora will be doing Live Readings and Answering any questions you may have, so be sure to connect and ask your questions live! These Infinite Master Frequencies are always delivered in the NOW moment.

Shekinah & Sananda Kryst: The New Physiology of the Divine Humans

On this powerful 11/11 Gateway Shekinah and Sananda will be Live, and sharing about this portal into 2022 – the Master Builder Year of all years, thus far. Shekinah and Sananda will be speaking into the topic of the necessary initiations on the spiritual path, and how that is represented on the Global Scale in the world at this time.

Riana Arendse: Accelerate Your Journey to Inner Union

Too many students of personal growth and the spiritual ascension journey spend their entire lives never truly crossing the gap between where they are and where they want to be. And so we start believing that only certain people have a mystical power to shape the world according to their thoughts. To create opportunities seemingly out of thin air. And to even bend the fabric of reality in their favor. But as you’re about to discover, anyone is capable of ascending to this elusive level of self-mastery. And it all begins by evolving the level of consciousness you operate from.

SomRa An’Ryka: Turn on the Lights!

Join us for this reality-shifting live interview, facilitation, and Q&A with ET Walk-In and Spiritual Awakening Facilitator SomRa An’Ryka. Using the power of Channeled Sound and Energetics, she and her Extraterrestrial Ascended Master Team will be sharing their Oneness Consciousness gifts and insights to ease, clarify, lighten, and accelerate your Evolution, Awakening, and Ascension.

Gene Ang

Gene Ang: Arcturian Healing Frequencies

This divine healing method is a set of new healing tools and cosmic energies inspired by higher beings from the star system Arcturus.  It is Divinely guided through the form of the Arcturians. Enjoy this episode to experience the Arcturian Healing Light.  This is a form of light, energy, and information meant to accelerate a person’s evolution.