Artie Vipperla, Ph.D: How to Heal the Greatest Trauma & Free your Divine Cosmic Essence to Grow Exponentially
Do you still get triggered even after all the work you’ve done on yourself?
Do you still get triggered even after all the work you’ve done on yourself?
Join Alicia Power as she guides you into how to Heal Body and Soul with Master Spirit Allies.
Learn to utilize Sexual Pleasure, Alchemically Awaken Your Light Body & Activate the Path of Ascension. Heal trauma & dense programing with Pleasure, Bliss & Love. Learn how to bring in Sacred Practice of Crystal Eggs & Wands for Healing Support, Clearing, Activating & Pleasure.
Lucid dreaming refers to becoming consciously aware of dreaming, while in the dream state, and has been scientifically validated since 1980. Historically, lucid dreaming has been one of the primary spiritual techniques in Buddhist Dream Yoga. Once lucid, you can use this special state to access creativity, engage your larger awareness, promote healing and grow to your fullest self!
Victim consciousness is subconscious programming that sabotages our sovereignty and freedom and keeps us locked in a fear-based, scarcity, ego mind 3D reality.
Friends, the Earth has gone into full formlessness and the glory of Unconditional Love. This means that everything that isn’t connected to that love has to crumble.
Ascension isn’t an event per say, it’s an ongoing process that has been unfolding in waves over the last couple of decades. These waves get stronger and stronger and push on the collective consciousness to awaken more and more.
We can awaken to the power of aligning ourselves to the frequency of the experience we most desire. For most of us that is joy and love.
Our lives are result of the mindsets and patterns that we carry but all too often they aren’t even ours. Often the patterns that run our lives are the result of inherited multigenerational patterns that are limiting and destructive.
Join us on New Earth One Network for the Light Body Activations & DNA Upgrades Summit Series
September 21 until October 8th
Register Now!