QCTV Kristen Becher: Reverse Engineering Our Return Path to the Stars

Your life is the living laboratory of your soul’s evolutionary journey. It is time, now more than ever, to activate the inner technology of our infinite soul intelligence. You are the lead navigator of your awakening into wholeness. Embody the fullness of your being and accelerate your capacity to align with the vibratory fields of your Higher Self and your Highest Potential Timeline.

QCTV SomRa An’Ryka: Q&A

Join us for this Q&A session where SomRa An’Ryka will be sharing about her other Walk-In experiences from both the human’s and Soul’s points of view. Along the way she shares her perspective of the Soul Self and how and why It chooses to incarnate into a polaric reality (3rd / 4th Dimension). You’ll also hear insights about the gestation and birthing process that cause most people – whether Walk-In or Birthed-In – to not be sufficiently integrated with their Soul from the start. Plus hear about what you can do to literally change the foundation of your life to one of greater Joy, Understanding, and Wholeness. This accelerates your Evolution and Awakening now to living more fully as your Peaceful, Powerful Soul Self.

QCTV Valeria Tignini: Extraterrestrial and Higher Frequency Beings Revealing Themselves

– Many are experiencing UFO sightings and Contact with ET’s
– These experiences are carefully calculated and planned
– All humans that have experienced them have a connection or resonance to them
– Many of us need to experience this to upgrade our DNA
– Their frequency will purify us

QCTV Matthew John: Ascension Update, Q&A + Live Readings

There’s no doubt that it’s a crazy and uncertain time on this planet! Internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher & Intuitive Healer Matthew John joins Lauren Galey on Quantum Conversations for a much-needed update on how Earth’s Ascension is going. Matthew John will open it up for a Q&A with the audience and he will do a few live readings to assist audience members in understanding their life plan, future, past lives, or relationships.

SomRa An’Ryka: ences-of-a-5-time-et-walk-in-understanding-your-own-soul-human-relationship-Part II – Experiences of a 5-time ET Walk-In & Understanding Your Own Soul-Human Relationship

Join us for Part II! SomRa An’Ryka will be sharing about her other Walk-In experiences from both the human’s and Soul’s points of view. Along the way she shares her perspective of the Soul Self and how and why It chooses to incarnate into a polaric reality (3rd / 4th Dimension). You’ll also hear insights about the gestation and birthing process that cause most people – whether Walk-In or Birthed-In – to not be sufficiently integrated with their Soul from the start. Plus hear about what you can do to literally change the foundation of your life to one of greater Joy, Understanding, and Wholeness. This accelerates your Evolution and Awakening now to living more fully as your Peaceful, Powerful Soul Self.

Daniel Scranton: Everyone Can Learn to Channel

Daniel Scranton has been teaching individuals and groups how to channel higher-dimensional beings since 2013, and some of his former students are now working full time as channelers. Daniel believes that we all have the ability to reach within ourselves and connect to other dimensions, dimensions that contain the consciousness of Archangels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Beings, Faeries, and other higher-dimensional beings from the light.

Peter Panagore: Near Death Experience and the Divine Oneness of Being

Peter Panagore died while ice climbing in Banff Provincial Park in 1980. His consciousness was carried to Heaven by an intelligent and powerful being, where he encountered, Union with Love Itself, Healing, Wholeness, and Oneness. Peter choose to return to life to ease the pain of his parents who already had lost a daughter, his sister. He was radically changed by the experience which reoriented his life by driving him to study mysticism at Yale, and into forty years of centering prayer meditation practice and Kriya style yoga, and a life of service to others. Peter brings his wisdom to a worldwide audience in a variety of forums. He teaches centering prayer meditation, and runs Not Church Sundays (No dogma, no doctrine, just mysticism) on his YouTube Channel, and runs a global counseling service for mystics and seekers.