Matthew John: Starseeds! Find Out Where You’re From and What Your Destiny Is on Earth.

The term “Starseed” is one that is thrown out in many different contexts around the spiritual community. But what actually is a Starseed? Does it really mean you are an extraterrestrial? Does it mean your soul comes from another realm? How does being a Starseed differ from not being a Starseed? How do you know if you are a Starseed? And what does it really mean for your life here on Earth?

Sydney Campos: Awaken Your Intuitive Gifts

Ask yourself..what’s not working in your life and how do you want to FEEL, operate, ALIGN, allow instead? Could it be time for you to revolutionize your entire relationship with life, especially with your power, your purpose, your prosperity and of course your pleasure? You will be initiated to meet your truth in ways you have never before imagined possible.

Nora WalksInSpirit: Creating Your New Consciousness With LOVE

During this Episode you will be ignited and enlightened of the Master Frequencies of Knowledge. These Master Fields of Light entering into our Etheric Fields are tapping into your Auras and Connecting, Attuning and Activating your Pineal Crystals. Nora will be doing Live Readings and Answering any questions you may have, so be sure to dial in or ask your question online! 

Dorota Rozmus: Healing With Divine Mother’s Sound of Love

This is time to remember why we are here. It is time to remember how to tune with Light frequency and Crystal Grid to be part of vibrational creation of the new Humanity – new Earth. It is time to allow complete clearing of fear, density, programing of lack and victimhood. Tuning to Divine Mother’s Love by trusting and allowing change.