Lyon G. Payley Zonamyari: Change Your Name – Change Your Life

Professional Name Analyst and Author of Name Reality, Lyon Zonamyari, clearly demonstrates everybody can gain from the incredible information revealed within a personal name analysis. Lyon says, not everybody needs to change their names, but for those who do, sometimes just changing the way you spell a name or changing middle names you rarely use can make a huge difference to the way your life pans out.

Lyon G. Payley Zonamyari & Shelley Ackrill: Three Steps To Healing Happiness and Abundance

Lyon Zonamyari is well known for his powerful Three Step Healing Program. Shelly Ackrill has 25 years’ experience fulfilling her life mission to assist people by clearing negative energy patterns.

Lyon is a Healing Teacher and Shelley is the Healing Practitioner, providing you with two powerful opportunities.

Lyon has a powerful DIY Tutorial Program for Beginners and Advanced to Heal Yourself /Another Person and Animals or Shelley can provide you with One-on-One Healing.

On this show we discuss Lyon’s powerful Three Step Healing Program, now upgraded with Energetic Stem Cell Healing courtesy of Shelley Ackrill.

Shelley introduces us to the world of stem cells. What are stem cells, how do they work and how can this benefit me?

Steven Nobel: Starseeds: Time to Wake Up, The Aquarian Age Has Begun!

The Piscean Age has been dominated by hierarchy, and power. The key to the astrological sign Pisces is “I believe.” During this age you needed to find someone or something to believe in. When you found that thing, you attached yourself to that it. That could be a religion, a guru, a political ideology, or a charismatic leader. The keys to life were hidden and secret within the various halls of power.

Nora Walksinspirit: 12-12 GATEWAY of 12 STRANDS of LIGHT

Since the 11-11-11 Gateway when all Columns and Spirals of LIGHT CODES entered into all hearts and minds for the Divine AWAKENING of Souls to Soul LIGHT Seeds connected unlimited vibrations for all Inner Minds to elevate out of structured waveforms into a Synchronized Vibration of ONENESS Consciousness. Many of you are tapping into these new Telepathic Frequencies to channel new passageways of your Mind into your own Heartbeat, now drumming you back Home to your own Dimension. This 12th month is one of Divine Amplifications of your LIGHT ESSENCES embracing you; through the 12 12 Gateway, Winter Solstice and Christ Consciousness Vibrations that will be circling from many Dimensions into your New Inner Minds, and Actively Awakened Souls. This teaching and Activation today will excite and ignite you!

Elizabeth Wood: Advancing 3rd Eye Development for the New Earth

Using the spiritual capability of the brain, your psychic ability, is something everyone can strengthen!
Learning to combine your empathy and intuition with the 3rd eye can provide greater discernment in daily life.

Join Elizabeth Wood as she talks about practical tips for even the most advanced to further 3rd eye development.

The 3rd eye is like a muscle, and with practice you can use it for your highest good.

Use the 12/12 gateway to bring in more light and dissolve limiting beliefs about your psychic perception.

Finally experience breakthroughs for your psychic experiences!

Meg Benedicte

Meg Benedicte: The Accelerated Ascension

Meg Benedicte is a Quantum Healer, Alchemist, Ascension Activator and creator of Quantum AccessTM – a powerful healing technique that quickly shifts consciousness, unlocks karma and removes energetic patterns to accelerate your personal Ascension. Since the extraordinary Solar Eclipse in August, quantum consciousness has been streaming into the physical cellular structure, transforming us from the inside out. The incoming plasma light is activating hidden Soul Codes dormant in the energetic body…igniting a new level of sub-atomic activity not seen before. Multi-dimensional DNA is coming alive!

Xi EarthStar Healer: Advanced Lightwork & Psychic Empowerments

In today’s show, Xi EarthStar Healer takes us on a journey into the depth of Advanced Psychic LightWork. Advanced Lightwork is a body of information currently in synthesis, born out of a pure intention to Reconnect all aspects of Reality back to Source. Since initiating her 6D/9D andromedan geneticist higher self, she has diligently studied the False Matrix, to dismantle, restructure and restore Humanity to the Organic Living Source Light Matrix of Life. Satanic ritual abuse, mind control and abduction programs, mind control through TV and radio frequencies, poverty and fear, are all gradients of the same Sickness or distortion. These traumas damage the DNA which then are passed down generation to generation. These damages are seen in various levels of our multi-dimensional body, and are frequencies of information we can perceive in order to heal. Through navigating the Source Field of Energetic Oneness with mindfulness and direction, a skill anyone can learn and cultivate, Advanced LightWork paves the way for us to join the Earth Custodianship, to accelerate the physical manifestation of New Earth.