Christel Hughes: Sacred Feminine Geometry Light Flow and Boosting Your Immunity

Our relationship with our reality from the 3D subconscious perspective is one of confusion, because deep within we know that we are not just our body, but we Truly are Pure Consciousness — we know this in our heart, but our mind says otherwise. It’s fascinating to know that we have, literally within our bodies, a structure that carries consciousness. But if this structure isn’t functioning properly and in alignment, then we are in the ‘Disconnection mode’ of being, thinking and acting.

Charlotte Shanti: Guided Tour of Lightship City of Light Scandinavia in the 5th Dimension

You are hereby cordially invited to join us on a 5D guided tour where we explore Lightship City of Light Scandinavia. Here we will meet starbeings corresponding to the group of participants either live or on replay. We meet in the NOW. Maybe we will meet The Andromedans, The Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Sirians or… the list is endless. We are excited to welcome you and look forward to meeting you.

Lemurian Donna Carol: Introduces you to the Mother Goddess of Ancient Lemuria

Lemurian Donna Carol is the original channel for the Lemurian Mother Goddess, an ancient aspect of Prime Creator. The Mother Goddess lived on a continent in the Pacific Ocean that sunk long ago. This original Garden of Eden was the homeland of the sacred feminine principle. Here, divine nurturance, fertility, communication and love were the normal way of life. It is Donna Carol’s divine soul mission to bring this energy back to Terra Nova, or Earth.

Viviane Chauvet: Arcturian Healing Arts

Our Arcturian Healing Arts program includes three levels designed to assist people in embracing their multidimensional nature as cosmic divine beings. 
Ultimately, we assist earth human beings to evolve consciously and cosmically as we return to embody the Universal Time Matrix. Viviane works in partnership with her Arcturian delegation of the fifth and sixth-dimension intelligence.

Paul Hubbert: The Power of Holographic Sound, Healing the Body and Transforming Limiting Beliefs

Holographic Sound Healing is the Energetic Wave of the Future.. as well as the Present. Holographic Sound is a method of opening sound through Sacred Geometry into its full potential, into its Multidimensional form. In doing so, we are able to create the most powerful energy frequencies for healing and transforming consciousness.