Catherine Rosenbaum: Activating Your Cosmic Blueprints!

How to stay on course through the challenges that are being revealed from the shadows. The greater plan, The Cosmic Reveal is happening! Let’s talk about our personal work in these times. Our mission statement. Our quantum leap from mind to heart. Each one of us has a Divine design/blueprint waiting to be activated, accelerated and awakened right now.

Catherine Rosenbaum: Calling All Starseeds: A Cosmic Activation on the Solstice

How to stay on course through the challenges that are being revealed from the shadows. The greater plan, The Cosmic Reveal is happening! Let’s talk about our personal work in these times. Our mission statement. Our quantum leap from mind to heart. Each one of us has a Divine design/blueprint waiting to be activated, accelerated and awakened right now.

Catherine Rosenbaum: We Are Being Re-Written, Re-Wired & Re-Coded in the Stars

Please join us with Lauren and Catherine having a conversation about what’s up in the Stars, the Eclipses, the New World being born with-in our Universe! Catherine will give the Psychic weather report, and speak about Astrology, the importance of Knowing yourself, what your unique design holds as a starseed and what you are not.

Catherine Rosenbaum: You Are Written in the Stars

Psychic Intuitive Catherine Rosenbaum brings in her team of Angels on this insightful call that offers an astrological update that’s down to the current hour! Catherine shares on the recent Uranus/Mercury Conjunction and how we have now entered a portal that’s never been experienced before on Planet Earth.

She is a rare Reflector in Human Design (only 1% of humanity is a Reflector) and she dives right in to assist in your personal acceleration

Catherine Rosenbaum: You Are Written in the Stars

Psychic Intuitive Catherine Rosenbaum brings in her team of Angels on this insightful call that offers an astrological update that’s down to the current hour! Catherine shares on the recent Uranus/Mercury Conjunction and how we have now entered a portal that’s never been experienced before on Planet Earth.

She is a rare Reflector in Human Design (only 1% of humanity is a Reflector) and she dives right in to assist in your personal acceleration