Dawn Crystal: Complete Dental Health – Clearings & Activations for Life!

This program will heal mental, Emotional and spiritual issues associated with dental issues. You don’t have to figure out what alternative medicines and topical formulas for your issues, it is Energetically done for you from “God Creator”!!! Saving you money and side effects from choosing the wrong medicines for your symptoms.

Dawn Crystal: STEM CELL Renewal with Source Frequencies

Imagine Waking up with energy and vitality, after a deep rejuvenating sleep, and not needing a cup of coffee to get you going. Your muscles and joints feel Stronger and you can’t wait to get some healthy exercise. When you look in the mirror, you notice a glow to your skin and the wrinkles are fading. Old Scars are fading, and you notice your Circulation has improved. Your digestion works properly, and your brain works clearly. You feel brighter in your mood because You can FEEL and SEE healing happening!

Dawn Crystal: Total Body Advanced “Organ” Regeneration

Experience the Rejuvenation of “Source” Healing Frequencies to Heal and Turn back the “Clock” on the Aging process of our precious Vital Organs. Dawn Crystal Founder of Sound Energy Pain Relief Therapy, has worked with clients in over 150 countries and have reported complete healing from Chronic pain, Chronic fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Binge eating, Burnout, Trauma and more, even when nothing else worked!

Dawn Crystal: Anti-Aging “Clearing & Activations for Life!” Live!

This program brings Preventive and Remedial energies for vitality using “Source Energy Frequencies” of wellness to create A New You!!!

Dawn designed this program for “Everyone” No Matter what age you are or what chapter in life you are in, this Program is for You!

All frequencies in this Program are down-loaded directly from Source through Dawn Crystals Voice! Feel your body, mind & spirit shift to a higher healing vibration in only “Minutes”!!!