Elizabeth Wood: Being a Bridge Between Heaven and Earth
Friends, the Earth has gone into full formlessness and the glory of Unconditional Love. This means that everything that isn’t connected to that love has to crumble.
Friends, the Earth has gone into full formlessness and the glory of Unconditional Love. This means that everything that isn’t connected to that love has to crumble.
We’re heading into a time of unknown energies which feel like “The Void”. What will it take for us to thrive in this time, vs feeling like we’re falling apart?
Friends, I’ve been seeing amazing things unfold from the currents of consciousness in 2021. One of them is that I’ve noticed many new Soul Skill Sets come forward through individuals who have been feeling held back all this time. These skills can be fully utilized now in the formlessness we are being asked to surrender to.
Quantum ConversationsBroadcasting High Vibrational Frequencies to Empower, Inspire and Elevate Lives.Enjoy this Episode with Featured Guest QCTV: The Secret the Dark Forgot with Elizabeth Wood About This ShowWe are taught…
The New Earth is taking us on a journey into formlessness! Ego, trauma, duality, and anything blocking the intelligent light of Source consciousness is being melted away. All the blocks seem to be magnified! That’s because they are ready to dissolve, and only you can command that energy. It’s time for us to apply all we know about consciousness and hone in on our present goal – freedom. True freedom lies in formlessness! That’s why Mother Gaia is taking us on this journey. Life on this planet is “field practice for higher consciousness”, so let’s use it wisely!
3 Online classes
Join us for this Mastery Empowerment Class to touch on a wide range of topics that are all part of the EQUATION, and to discuss the “hows” for opening up more, listening more, allowing more, choosing more, embracing more and shifting more….
Using the spiritual capability of the brain, your psychic ability, is something everyone can strengthen!
Learning to combine your empathy and intuition with the 3rd eye can provide greater discernment in daily life.
Join Elizabeth Wood as she talks about practical tips for even the most advanced to further 3rd eye development.
The 3rd eye is like a muscle, and with practice you can use it for your highest good.
Use the 12/12 gateway to bring in more light and dissolve limiting beliefs about your psychic perception.
Finally experience breakthroughs for your psychic experiences!
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We’ve been watching for the Awakening of humankind and we are now entering into one of the largest waves of change to come! This coming Winter Solstice has a very important message – It’s time to stand with Mother Earth and Mother Divine as they break down what is left of the Matrix in human systems. Spiritually, we all know what this means and have been aware of it if we’ve done a minimal amount of research. The financial systems of Earth, the political systems, the distribution systems, and everything that has made up the Patriarchy, is coming down. We will have to sift through what is left and choose certain aspects we want to keep. We will have to rebuild from the local community level in order to see the full replenishing of our relationship with Earth. Let’s get prepared spiritually, emotionally, and physically together!
Audio download
One of the wonders of this Universe is the existence of polarities – opposite energies which help illustrate and illuminate reality. The existence of polarities in our lives can be a precious tool for self examination and healing! Instead of causing us suffering and keeping us in a “spin” we can learn to use polarities to make huge breakthroughs in our bodies, lives and spiritual development. Join Elizabeth Wood on a journey to discover the Master Polarities she’s been uncovering in the hundreds of sessions she does for individuals and groups. Of course there are hundreds of polarities, but the special polarities which will be examined in this online retreat are the most common she’s found.
We are far beyond any imagined future with access to all 12 Dimensions now! This is a precious time on Earth, but it’s also new waters without a map. We are the front runners, the map writers, the discoverers of how to be human with 12D access! All the old ways of healing, teaching, and even being have changed. The rules are being rewritten. How does this translate in practical terms for our still existing 3D lives?
Learn more about how to:
Perceive the 12 Dimensions and how it’s affecting the body and spirit.
Grounding this energy into the body in some practical steps.
Allow the power of dissolving Light to help you dissolve blocks and ego.
Use the 12 D to help redefine your life and work!
And much more…
Time for the next new step for human kind!