Matthew John: Why the Tarot Is Timeless + Live Readings!!!

Join Lauren Galey and Matthew John for LIVE READINGS! Matthew is an internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive and Psychic. The tarot is one of his favorite tools for getting intuitive information for himself and clients. He will do readings for callers on their relationships, galactic origins, health, or anything else that they ask!

Join us to learn about the tarot and get a reading!

Matthew John: How To Find Your Purpose and Service Work as a Starseed

Matthew will take time at the end of the show to do some LIVE readings for a select few live viewers! One of the most common questions that we ask ourselves on this Awakening Journey is what is my purpose? Without a clear sense of purpose, one can feel lost, confused and depressed. For those of us that are Starseeds, we especially may feel innately that we have an important mission to fulfill on this planet–yet we may find it difficult to put our finger on what that purpose actually is.

QCTV Matthew John: Ascension Update, Q&A + Live Readings

There’s no doubt that it’s a crazy and uncertain time on this planet! Internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher & Intuitive Healer Matthew John joins Lauren Galey on Quantum Conversations for a much-needed update on how Earth’s Ascension is going. Matthew John will open it up for a Q&A with the audience and he will do a few live readings to assist audience members in understanding their life plan, future, past lives, or relationships.

Matthew John: Recalling Healing Gifts from Lemuria, Atlantis & Ancient Egypt

Many Lightworkers and Starseeds incarnated now were also present during some pretty magical times on Earth, like Lemuria, Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Sumeria. Many of us were healers, witches, wizards, and priests and priestesses in spiritual orders. So many of us are starting to have healing and psychic gifts and ancient knowledge return to us in this lifetime.

Matthew will lead those on the call through a guided journey to discover their gifts from past lives. Matthew will also do a few past-life readings at the end of the call!