Meg Benedicte

Meg Benedicte: Healing Shadow Self

In order to become whole, healthy, complete beings, we must identify and acknowledge hidden, unconscious shadow aspects and compassionately accept, heal and integrate lost fragments. By ignoring our baser nature, the narcissism of the Ego, and the complete lack of Soulful connection, we are operating in a world of emotional and spiritual bankruptcy. In the Healing Shadow Self Course, you will learn how to heal and transmute egoic shadow so you can live as a Divine Human.

Shadow Work involves bringing the hidden layers into conscious awareness, acceptance, and forgiveness. It is a process of illumination, compassion, and integration. Healing the Shadow Self involves continual healing, clearing, mending, and repairing the energy field of all discordant interference preventing Soul embodiment and an abundant flow of life force.

QCTV Meg Benedicte: Ascending Into 5D

During the past 2000-year Piscean era we saw the spread of monotheistic religions and savior-saints or gurus. Now the pendulum swings away from ‘saviors’ towards a growing spiritual movement of Soul embodiment and quantum expansion. In order to harness the power of Aquarian values, we must learn how to relinquish ego-driven duality and actively harmonize and integrate the soul with the ego self. We are moving away from divisive polarized living into a more cohesive union of all aspects of Self.

Gateway Activation 4-4-4 Activations with Meg Benedicte

Audio Replay
In esoteric numerology, 444 is the symbol for Archangels. On April 4th we are blessed with an Angelic ‘444 Gateway’, vibrating with angelic love and support. While the 444 Gateway is open the Angelic Realms are more accessible and sending positive signs, signals and guidance.The arrival of ‘444’ signals that we are entering another Ascension upgrade – a quantum leap into higher dimensional consciousness. We are currently receiving angelic transmissions to prepare us for this huge ascension up-leveling.

Meg Benedicte

Meg Benedicte: Energies Update

Drawing from 25 years of Ascension experience, Meg Benedicte has developed Quantum Access, the time-tested technique that will rocket you into the stratosphere of higher consciousness, so that you too can alter the direction of your life forever.By bridging the principles of Quantum Physics with Metaphysics and the ancient alchemy of Zep Tepi Egyptian Mystery Schools and Sirian technology, Quantum Access will improve your personal health, wellbeing and Spiritual evolution. You will learn how to access your portal to the quantum field and shift into the vertical quantum flow of life force. Let go of old patterns that no longer work in the new 5D paradigm.