Carsten Spencer: Igniting Saint Germaine’s Violet Flame of Transmutation

Experience an intimate/palpable connection with your chakra system as I guide you through a process that initiates the Throat Chakra (our Divine Communication Center) to harmonize the entire Chakra System. During this course we will use sound vibrations to call in the Liquid Crystal Devas to awaken (Light Body). Then we call in Saint Germain and activate the Violet Flame of Transmutation.

Richard Whitehurst: Awakening the Spiritual Heart

Participants in this free introductory video will get a clear sense about the content and the directions of the larger webinar. There will be practical demos of one or two of the processes of the heart-centering approaches – a lovely taste of what is to come. There will be fascinating stories and accounts about the realities of heart-centered living and a description of the cosmic synchronicity that awakened me to a further enhancement of my focus on the heart after years of living for years in India immersed in the heart yogas of bhakti. And more …. with some scope for questions and answers.

Amunta Sunna: Inner Child Healing and Integration Through Reiki Healing and Shamanic Power Animal Retrieval

Amunta has discovered a unique way to combine Reiki Healing with Shamanic journeying Power Animal Retrieval in order to identify inner child and past life traumas. Shamanic Journeying can be learned and used by anyone as a helpful practice to dive deeper into finding answers, direction, guidance, healing, inner wisdom, and teachings in one’s personal journey.

Riana Arendse: Accelerate Your Journey to Inner Union Pt 2

Too many students of personal growth and the spiritual ascension journey spend their entire lives never truly crossing the gap between where they are and where they want to be. And so we start believing that only certain people have a mystical power to shape the world according to their thoughts. To create opportunities seemingly out of thin air. And to even bend the fabric of reality in their favor. But as you’re about to discover, anyone is capable of ascending to this elusive level of self-mastery. And it all begins by evolving the level of consciousness you operate from.

Veronica Vargas: How to Re-connect with your inner genius, remove creative blocks and rise in the 21st century

Imagination and Creativity are the two most important skills of the 21st Century. As you know, everything has changed; how we work, how we live and how we get ahead. This moment in time is being referred to by many as the New Renaissance because everything has to be reinvented–literally.