Dorota Rozmus: How To Shift and Stay in the Creator Consciousness
You are awaking awareness of Creator in you.
By Tuning to Divine Self You are creating within Higher frequency of Oneness.
Divine Human within Gaia’s crystal 5D vibration. We are changing this reality by creating higher frequency more consciously now.
Jewels Arnes: EvoStar: Evolution Scalar Transmission Atom Response
Are you ready to tap into your highest potential and start mastering being human in its entirety? Energy holds an intelligence or a universal language that allows us to communicate through all dimensions simultaneously. When we consciously tap into this intelligence, we have access to all dimensions. EvoStar Technology holds an energetic intelligence that creates a bridge between the dimensions allowing a transportation system that can be used to shift reality at very fast rate.
Nedda Wittels: Clearing Your Path to Ascension and 5-D Living
In this Quantum Conversation, Nedda will take you on a guided meditation to discover what’s holding you back in your journey to Unity Consciousness and 5th Dimensional Living.
Nora WalksInSpirit: How to Build a Quantum Matrix Field of Light
Join NoraWalksInSpirit with Infinite Masters transmitting Light Frequencies in every Word and Harmonic Light Language spoken of Infinite Intelligences that will be activated in STILLNESS. Nora will be Answering any questions you may have, so be sure to dial in or ask your question online! Infinite Master of Light Intelligences will be delivering all answers.
Angelia LaRue: Pleiadean Energy Transmissions For the Shift into the Age of Aquarius
What are Pleiadean Codums? Why are the Pleiadeans Giving us these codes? How can these Energy Codums (Codes) Help me?
Bryan Rawls: Anavia Nightshade and the New Energetics
Anavia Nightshade is the new book that opened Dec 21, 2021 that opened we went from a binary code to a triangular coding this energetics is the new way of being. The energetics are intense and are breaking down old paradoxes and everything from the old is breaking and new in coming in strongly.
Kihiw Biiniizii: What is Karma and What Can I Do About It?
“Karma’s a b***h.” Now how many times have we heard that line? In many traditions karma is often synonymously associated with cause and effect. With good deeds leading to “good karma” and bad deeds leading to “bad karma;” often from some random past lives lived, with the belief that we are back to somehow make things right or play out our karma.
Matthew John: Why the Tarot Is Timeless + Live Readings!!!
Join Lauren Galey and Matthew John for LIVE READINGS! Matthew is an internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive and Psychic. The tarot is one of his favorite tools for getting intuitive information for himself and clients. He will do readings for callers on their relationships, galactic origins, health, or anything else that they ask!
Join us to learn about the tarot and get a reading!
Emunah Malinovitz: Connecting Directly to SOURCE BLISS
Emunah will Take Live callers and Do Intuitive Readings!
The question to ask is,” What do I need to know to Improve MY CONNECTION TO SOURCE?
It’s time to Truly be Connected to Source. It’s Your Birthright to Live In Bliss and Feel Love and Support.
Are you ready to Feel Supported, Unshaken and Grounded in Love, Receiving support from the Higher Realms?
So many people are feeling unsafe, their nervous systems are rattled, waiting for the next bomb to drop… feeling anxious, unclear, confused, unsafe.