Dorothy Rowe: Realizing Your Pure Potential Through Energy Healing

Evolution is the fundamental principle of the whole creation. What is evolution? Ever deepening integration of the unmanifest, qualityless Source with its own material expression is ‘evolution’. Any time we are not comfortable, the solution comes back to realigning with the evolutionary process. Suffering draws our attention. Attention is focused awareness. Pure awareness is that portion of the Source field that we consciously control. Wherever awareness goes, it awakens Wholeness. Optimal health is the expression of Wholeness.

Omnec Onec: From Venus I Came – A True Story

The Woman from Venus ~ Bearer of Love

Omnec Onec is the only recorded person who was born on a higher level of density and came to Earth with her own physical body In the Ninetees, she became publicly known with her autobiography FROM VENUS I CAME. In these books she portrays life on the astral level of Venus and describes why and how she was born there and why as a child she was given the opportunity to lower her vibrations, to manifest a physical body and to come to Earth at the age of seven in order to later in her life work as a spiritual teacher and fulfill her life cycles here on earth. The information is timeless, true and fascinating and we hope you enjoy this encore!

Jessica Frammin: The Magic Power of Joy

Being in vibrational resonance with Joy is key to manifesting the life, health, wealth, and relationships you truly desire. In fact, it’s essential for Manifestation, Money, Magic, and Well-Being! Jessica will bring you back into the frequency of Joy and clear everything that keeps you from your Essential Self and from Joy. It will truly be a LIFECHANGING EXPERIENCE!

Jewels Arnes & Charan Surdhar: Evolution! Becoming Divine Form and Connecting!

Jewels & Charan have the ability to Change the resonance of the body to vibrate in a frequency pattern that shifts the imprint or intelligence of the Body itself. It is time to Become The Future of Mankind! Jewels and Charan unveil this advanced Energetic Technology to each of you for the first time! Using an energetic continuum in the quantum field, Evolution can be used to align the expression of the divine DNA.

Cathleena Hailley: Uncovering Your Life’s True Potential

Join us today as Cathleena, takes us through a journey of understanding this process of creating from a new perspective, sharing the understanding of the grid patterns, the Torus Motion and the Crystalline DNA. She will uncover with you a whole new way of experiencing and creating life to help you free yourself from the beliefs that have kept you small and feeling your choices are limited.