David Gibson: Peace, Harmony & Flow: Sound Healing & Consciousness

Join us for this conversation with Sound Healing Research Founder David Gibson as he shares on the upcoming Globe Sound Healing Conference featuring over 20 researchers and healers of Sound Therapy.  David shares how vibration is the foundation of everything, and sound can not only be used to destroy cancer cells, but also to connect with Higher Consciousness and Beings of Light. 

QCTV Laurie Reyon: Honor the Divine Feminine

This year on November 11th we are to prepare to greet the Day with a Soul Centered Group that is ready for expansion and dedication to creating their own Luminous Light Body. Learn valuable tools and gain ancient wisdom to bring your Spiritual gifts and abilities to a whole new level. Empower yourself to further prepare for your Soul’s Journey in the coming times.  Let us HONOR Mother Gaia and work together to be a part of those that usher in Galactic peace.

Monique Hunt: Ancestral StoryClearing

Release Poverty Stories from Your Life and Lineage! Ancestral StoryClearing is an advanced healing technique enabling you to energetically travel back into your family’s past to release an unwanted embedded family story allowing you to experience more happiness, health, love, prosperity, or more fulfilling relationships. StoryClearing also benefits your descendants.

QCTV Julie Umpleby: Aligning With the New Evolutionary Impulse

In this quantum conversation, Julie will share the cycles of evolution as defined by holographic waves, each defined by aspects and specific qualities of Universal Mind. We will discuss our next big evolutionary leap as humankind in terms of these waves – specifically what is known as the Ninth Wave – and how we can manage our journey more effectively and with ease.

Barbara Babish: The Language of Light and The Way of the Rainbow

There are many now who channel the Language of Light in their own way. There are various beliefs about what it is and where it comes from. Dr. Barbara Marie shares her own experiences of it with us today. She will tell us of this vibration that flows through her with the love that surpasses all understanding. She will share how she has used The Language of Light to connect with a group of spiritual beings called The Present Ones. It is the Present Ones, who worked with Barbara Marie, to create The Way of the Rainbow: The Ultimate Meditation System. It has been 10 years of upgrading her vibration in order to share it world wide. She will share the first three color bands with us today!

Aileta Grace: Gratitude, Grace and Greetings From the Ones Who Love You

The Ascended Masters, Archangels, angelic realm and the Galactic Brotherhoods of Light wish to share their joy this season of Thanksgiving and to bless all for the closure of 2020 and to establish a new level of oneness, peace and co creation for 2021. 2020 has been a demanding and challenging year. We will bring through messages and share insights about the current state of energies, shifting consciousness of New Earth and the coming year. As always, Ascended Master Djuwal Khul “DK” and Ascended Master Saint Germain among others will be joining and answering your questions live. Finally, we will be bringing through a special “Rainbow Body Brightening ” Meditation/Activation created and designed for our beloved Quantum Conversation Community by the collective joining us.