Yukia Azorath Sandara: The New Human Gateway of Unity & Source Consciousness

Join in and explore the New Human Gateway Light Language Activation/Decoding & Revelation’s from within the Inner Core of the United Consciousness of our own Source within the physical vessel, now grounded within each one of us in this Reality..

We will be taking you in our United Self through the amazing Venusian Celestine Realm of Alchemy & Light Code Art Technology now fully available through the images within the Body, showing a number of Templates of the Mechanics of the New Universal Human. These will reveal the Higher Mind/Higher Heart Bridge and Fusion as One Gateway and subsequently merging of the latter to the Seat of Manifestation , our Sacral /our Womb of emanation of all Action in Inter Creation and in Communion.

Vandana Atara: Divine Doctoring Grounding Galactivation For New Earth Ascension Preparation

Vandana shares the latest cosmic ascension preparation updates & inter-galactic assistance to help you inter-dimensionally travel lightly & embody your new earth soul identity. On this episode, you will be attuned to the advanced healing frequencies from brand new inter-galactic physicians, teachers & ancestral guardian protectors from the inner earth & inner sun that over-light you.

QCTV Jean Logan: The Healing Power of the Central Sun

Dr. Jean will discuss healing symbols and glyphs that are powered from the Central Sun. She will explain how healing symbols are able to remove all emotional burdens, fears, sadness, heartache, anger – all negative emotions from your life. The healing glyphs can detoxify your body and draw more abundance into your life, even while you sleep.

Catherine Rosenbaum: We Are Being Re-Written, Re-Wired & Re-Coded in the Stars

Please join us with Lauren and Catherine having a conversation about what’s up in the Stars, the Eclipses, the New World being born with-in our Universe! Catherine will give the Psychic weather report, and speak about Astrology, the importance of Knowing yourself, what your unique design holds as a starseed and what you are not.

Sheryl Ann Noday: Myths & Truths of Trance Channeling in Today’s World

The excitement we feel in learning to channel, certainly is palatable. Often times, through that excitement necessary and important steps can be overlooked, even forgotten. We are going to cover these important beginning energies. With love and excitement, so you won’t want to “glide” over them. But instead using each and every step like climbing the ladder of ascension.

Keleena Malnar: Light Language the Language of the New Earth, and Its Importance for Ascension

Keleena will discuss the importance of allowing Light Language to assist you during this beautiful time of transformation with the universal codes of light that will activate dormant and suppressed codes within you, and help you in furthering and expanding your consciousness and crystalline light body.

Matthew John: Starseeds! Find Out Where You’re From and What Your Destiny Is on Earth.

The term “Starseed” is one that is thrown out in many different contexts around the spiritual community. But what actually is a Starseed? Does it really mean you are an extraterrestrial? Does it mean your soul comes from another realm? How does being a Starseed differ from not being a Starseed? How do you know if you are a Starseed? And what does it really mean for your life here on Earth?

Sydney Campos: Awaken Your Intuitive Gifts

Ask yourself..what’s not working in your life and how do you want to FEEL, operate, ALIGN, allow instead? Could it be time for you to revolutionize your entire relationship with life, especially with your power, your purpose, your prosperity and of course your pleasure? You will be initiated to meet your truth in ways you have never before imagined possible.