Nora WalksInSpirit: Creating Your New Consciousness With LOVE

During this Episode you will be ignited and enlightened of the Master Frequencies of Knowledge. These Master Fields of Light entering into our Etheric Fields are tapping into your Auras and Connecting, Attuning and Activating your Pineal Crystals. Nora will be doing Live Readings and Answering any questions you may have, so be sure to dial in or ask your question online! 

Dorota Rozmus: Healing With Divine Mother’s Sound of Love

This is time to remember why we are here. It is time to remember how to tune with Light frequency and Crystal Grid to be part of vibrational creation of the new Humanity – new Earth. It is time to allow complete clearing of fear, density, programing of lack and victimhood. Tuning to Divine Mother’s Love by trusting and allowing change.

Alicia Power

Alicia Power: Enter an Auric Workshop With Creator Being Spirit Healers

This session with Alicia Power will take you higher in your spiritual development. You will play and ‘workshop’ with your mind, learning ‘who’ you are, exploring your soul’s heart – and all under the tutorage of Master Creator Beings of this universe. They will guide your attention carefully, so that your deepest understanding evolves gently, into new awareness – of you as spirit.

Amanda Hopkins: Reinvigorate Lifeforce Flow ~ Relieve Congestion and Impaired Circulation in Your Body and Aura

Do you often find that you feel sluggish or that it’s taking longer than you’d like to get things done?

Are you commonly experiencing that when you make forward progress it’s halted or slowed down?

Are you sometimes unable to access the inner resources you need to persist and move forward to complete on what you’ve started?

These are just some of the symptoms of impaired circulation and accumulated congestion in your body and Aura. Your Lungs take in oxygen vital to supplying your body with energy it needs while your Heart circulates this essential energizer throughout your body. When your respiratory and circulatory systems are compromised, it has a direct, destructive impact on your quality of life. So if you’re ready to take back your life and infuse your body with the support it requires for Heart-Lung Health optimization be sure to join Amanda on this call!