Jeilene Tracey: The 5 Movements – Returning to Our PRIME State of Being

The Earth Logos and Mantis have offered a new system of movement and sound to enable the rapid release of energetic blocks and density which hinder our alignment to our PRIME State of Being.  These 5 movement, when accompanied by your unique toning, will clear your energy field, raise your vibration, and align you with your full potential as an expression of Source energy.  A return to this original state of alignment with Source energy strengthens the body’s immune system, increases adaptability to change, and calms the nervous system helping us to thrive in the new Earth energies.

Plant Music Meditation

Saturday, June 21
10am Pacific / 11am Mountain / 12pm Central / 1pm Eastern / 5pm GMT

Take a Multidimensional Musical Journey with us in our Plant Music Meditation Experience. This is a beautiful journey with the Plant Kingdom that you are embarking on. Please come with your intentions! Intentions are a great place to start, but we’re going to take it to the next level and FEEL that vibration of what we wish to see, experience and manifest. From this State of Being, we will connect with the Plant Consciousness….and the music will know exactly what each of us need, whether you are on the call LIVE or listen to the recording. This is a Multidimensional experience and the plants are communicating to us with music…it is indeed beautiful and I look forward to having you in our online Plant Music Meditation!

Maya Boston: Lemurian Time Capsule – guidance from the Star Mothers for today’s world

So often we are looking outside of ourselves to find our answers, when all along they have been inside. Yes, we are from the stars and forever connected to the stars, but we have all agreed to take physical form on this planet in order to work the puzzle of our existence here. To find our way home. The map and instruction booklet are within you, encoded into your DNA and in your Akashic Records. There are as many ways of awakening/activating this remembrance as there are inhabitants on this planet, and we’re all choosing to do it in our own time.

Christel Hughes: The Enlightened Empath

Are you tired of being the processing plant for other’s emotions, feeling out of Control and going into Overwhelm
Are you in need of some powerful and Basic tools that can energetically support you – going from being a “human Sponge” to being in Charge of your energy?
What if you could finally understand how to regulate your sensory input so that you no longer need to shut yourself down or “Shield” yourself from others?