Tracey Ash: Avatar

We have an unprecedented cosmic opportunity to redefine humanity. Just what is happening in 2019/2020. In visions, of prophesy and contact since childhood Tracey Ash has been directed to premier ancient sites to open the seven gateways to our central sun. In her work with individuals she is a formidable channel and catalyst of your original sacred contracts. She is an EMOTO scientifically researched field-leader and meta-physics genius. Capable of weaving timelines over life times.

Anne Gordon: Dolphin and Whale Wisdom; Reclaim your Joy, Flow through life’s Challenges and Open to Abundance!

Discover the Gifts of Wisdom the Dolphins and Whales want to share with you. Learn how you can dive deep into connection with the Dolphins and whales with Dolphin Ambassador and Whale Wisdom expert, Anne Gordon. Opening a relationship with the Dolphins and Whales will gracefully transform your life to one of Joy, Ease, Flow, Unity/Community, Abundance, Unconditional Love and help you to reconnect to your life’s passion and purpose.

QCTV Show Example

Lets chat about personal growth that is the precipise of channeling, the undenying shadow intergration that comes with all authentic channeling. Raising ones vibration is far more than techniques or exercises. When one is willing to look to the past to reep the power there in, great movement within the Soul is experienced.
Lets talk about why July 23 is the most powerful day of the year

Tony Sayers: Hybrid Implant Removal And Body Symbiosis Session 1

We are taught from school that the physical realm is all there is, that we live in just a three dimensional World. Nothing could be further from the truth as humans are basically blind and can only see a tiny bandwidth of what we call visible light. The fact is we live in a multidimensional with a lot else going on around us in the same space, and the closest dimension obviously being 4d.

Within this dimension, there are many distorted consciousnesses that like to feed on human negativity, fear, and low vibrational energy, see it as their food. This is the reason that there is so much fear and negativity in this World as this consciousness needs it to survive. Different forms and different levels of attachment can get in on people and drain their energy, loop negative or even suicidal thoughts, and basically cause disruption in our lives.

Drugs, alcohol (they call them spirits for a reason!) psychedelics, and sex are all doorways for these energies to infiltrate. In these sessions, we scan the body and remove any attachments that shouldn’t be there, bring back clarity, energy, and returning what is basically ours. In these sessions remove any etheric implants based around AI which is also hijacking the human body as well as any other attachments.

Adria Wind Horse Estribou: Why Did Lemuria Fall?

Have you ever wished in your own life that you had the knowledge of what was to come before it happened? Lemurian knowledge is arising in human consciousness now to avoid history repeating itself. To listen to the guidance and wisdom of those who lost an entire civilization bears witness to saving ours. The loss of knowledge, the loss of light, is such a subtle thing. Please let us not be unguarded in a time of great ascension and light. Then we can ascend without a fall.

Shelley Young: The Divine Combination

Channel Shelley Young brings forth Archangel Gabriel’s most important material to date. In this Quantum Conversation, she will be teaching what the essential elements of the divine combination are, and how, when they are utilized together, open the door to enlightenment and activate the operating system of the empowered human being.  Anyone, regardless of their level of understanding, belief system, or where they are on their spiritual journey, can start to use this system right now to experience greater peace, ease and guidance in their lives.

Nora Herold: Operate from Joy 2019: A Pleiadian Perspective

You are love incarnate operating as a creator being. On August 11th of 2018 collective humanity jumped to an elevated timeline and began accessing an elevated consciousness on an individuated basis. In February of 2019 the collective consciousness fully synced up with the elevated timeline offering new access to the multi-dimensional self and multi-dimensional operating systems.. You are now able to activate as sovereign and begin to consciously design a reality that is of the highest vibrational nature for you. Individual creation, co-creation, collective manifestation, timeline jumps, telepathy, synchronicity, connection with your guides and other celestial beings and so much more are now effortlessly possible for you as the emergence of the fifth dimensional reality takes hold. The Operate from Joy technology is fully on line and available for you to use in each and every moment.

Tony Sayers: Hybrid Implant Subordination & Body Symbiosis Restoration

This relatively new modality evolves around the discovery of various implants, overlays, grids, holographic themes and other AI technology which is infused in the biological makeup of humans. It is now finally being uncovered.

Many of these implants that exist in 4D already are manifest here in 3D. The removal of these manipulations helps us to eradicate the siphoning of energy and step into our true power.

It is a step forward in reclaiming our natural energy state and returning to the symbiotic state that we should all be existing in.