Jean Logan

Jean Logan: More Healing Power for You on Your Schedule, At Your Place

We will discuss how people can have the healing power they need for their family and pets when they want it in the privacy of their own home on their schedule. We will be talking about what glyphs are and how to use them.

• Emotional and physical healing from the light of God
• Save thousands on counseling, vet and doctor bills
• Experience the healing of the future

Aileta Grace: Practicing Radical Joy, Extreme Self Care and Developing the Divine Confidence to Bring it!!

What is divine confidence? It is when we radiate the inner peace that comes from knowing that all is well and indeed in divine order. After we have engaged in what seems like endless clearing for ourselves, others, and Gaia, have the building blocks of effective release led us to radiate the spiritual wisdom of our new era of consciousness still unfolding? Or, are we still struggling to find that point of certain knowing despite the journey of surrendering all that does not serve to the universal field of healing? Aileta Grace will be discussing this topic and delve into what our divine guides, wayshowers, angels and ascended masters have to say. She will be available to answer your questions and channel surprise and recurring guests from the divine realms!

Moira Hutchison

Moira Hutchison: Healing the Inner Wounds: Letting Go to Serve Your True Calling

Whether you are a spiritual or wellness seeker or you are on a journey to discovering your personal greatness, but you feel stuck, un-inspired or have lost direction or confidence, you need to meet Moira Hutchison. Moira is expert at bringing awareness to blocks and hidden barriers that keep us from living our best life and shining as brightly as we know we can.
This presentation will boost your resilience, confidence, vision and help you feel excited about your future and the part you play in making the world a better place.

Ian Morris: Frequency is the Fuel

An in-depth discussion on the healing power of sound and frequency minded music with Ian Morris, founder of Listening to Smile. The following topics will be discussed:
1. Utilizing frequency minded music to assist in your mindfulness practice and self-care
2. How to quiet the busy mind with frequency
3. Chakra frequencies and binaural beats – what are they and how they can help from everyday maintenance work to healing for illness and dis-ease

Audrey Light Language: Akash Light Language & Sacred Key Numerical Codes

Audrey will be bringing through the languages of light as well as the language of the Akash that rewrites it for you. She will also be speaking a number language sacred key code numerical language of creation Source. Audrey will channel through the Beings of Light, high dimensional beings that recall that they are part of the ALL that is many clients world wide can actually feel them in a session.

Lisa Ekrich

Lisa Kiara Ekrich: Connecting to the Light

xperience the Love *
Vibrational Light Healing ** Connecting your soul to the celestial realms
where the miracles happen *
Contact your Angel *
Healing Trauma — Relationship and personal blocks
past life memory
live in the present moment and contact your divinity . Transcendence happens *
The mind has the capacity to change our life – where the results are seen

Ameera Beth: The Mermaids and the Sacred Feminine

The Mermaid iconography in the world is more than just a fad, It is an archetype reMERging into the collective consciousness by Divine design and with a specific message to the planet. Water itself is the most feminine and receptive of the elements, the host of emotions, and the giver of life. The incarnated Merbeings of Atlantis and Lemuria have anchored the Sacred Feminine templates unto the planet and the Feminine grids have been set by their essence and physical presence on Earth. Ameera Beth, and incarnated Atlantean Merbeing, speaks about the significance of the role of the Mermaids through her connection to The Great Kingdom of Atlantis and Ocean Mother Goddess, Yemaya.

Dr. Edwige Bingue: 11/11/11 Gateway To The Divine You !

As your Divine-Self has always been and will always be, because of duality it has taken a back seat. Now is the time to end this separation and allow your Divine-Self to take a front seat, as the lower human self steps back.
This opens the doorway to become the master and to change your focus, your reality and to create a new time, a new reality and a New Earth!