Mastery Empowerment Course Arcturian Radiant Body of Light with Gene Ang

3 Sessions in Audio Download
with energy sessions in individual audio downloads

The goal of Presence Healing is to empower people to live their lives according to their highest selves. Gene Ang, Ph.D. offers healing sessions in the Arcturian Healing Method, a healing style created by Gene accessing divine cosmic energies for healing and life path acceleration. This type of healing brings you to a fuller realization of the wholeness that is already within. As a result, physical, emotional, and mental healing can occur.

Online Healing Retreat with Cynthia Charis – Diamond Light of Transcendence

Four 1-Hour Audio Transmissions
This extraordinary series of 4 one-hour long meditations, you are enveloped within cosmic diamond plasma streams of photonic light. These living transmissions help to activate the stargate of ascension within you, awaken your Higher Bodies of Consciousness, and help you become one with your Transcendent Self.  During the course of these journeys, you expand into your diamond light body, awaken your cosmic heart, and ascend the crystalline spiral staircase to embody the fullest expression of the Cosmic Being That You Are.

Kenji Kumara: Reuniting With Wholeness

Wholeness, or the state of Union (within self), is our natural state of Being and expression. Joy and bliss are the natural outcome of this union within. Blessings and miracles are the effects of this state of connection. Whatever we join with, we become. Whatever we join with, becomes real. Dedicate all thoughts to union. What is real cannot be challenged or disrupted. Illusions have no effect upon what is real. We came into our earthly incarnation to learn this truth – that nothing can harm us or throw us off our path and life purpose. Every experience has led us to this very moment, on this show, in this space-time reality of unlimited potential and realization of our truth.

Mastery Empowerment Course: Actualizing Your NEW Earth REALities Here with Lisa Transcendence Brown

with downloadable Video and Audio versions – 10 hours

Join us for this Mastery Empowerment MasterClass to touch on a wide range of topics that are all part of the EQUATION, and to discuss the “hows” for opening up more, listening more, allowing more, choosing more, embracing more and shifting more….

Lisa Transcendence Brown: Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth: A Quantum Physical REALity

Join us as we discuss a barrage of multi-dimensional topics to assist with various processes and phases each experience as an organic and natural part of our NOW Photonic DNA Evolution, as well as the transitions from Old Earth to NEW, and from carbon-based to Quantum Photonic Plasma Crystalline Physical LightBodies….. which dictates each’s physical reality here.

Starseed Manifestation: Dreaming The New You into Being with Steve Nobel

Audio & Video Download

This is a pivotal year in the awakening process. Many will be called to step away from the old earth 3D matrix completely.
We will explore manifesting and the 5D grids and why it is important to create from this space.
Also why our dreams should reflect our highest light (Higher Self) and not our basest nature (lower ego desires).
Why manifesting is an important aspect of the growth/evolution process.
Why it is important to focus on realistic as well as so called ‘impossible’ dreams.
Discussion on dreaming from three points in the body.

Christof Melchizedek


Join Christof as he shares the latest in planetary ascension news, wheat has been happening in the last few months on the planet, the latest planetary updates and upgrades. The results from the recent Paradigm Convergence 11.11 Solomons Temple Tour, and the repercussions expanding out through the Earth grids as a consequence. He will also share what you can be doing on a personal level to enhance the planetary ascension process and enter into greater flow, harmony and prosperity on your own soul journey here on Earth.