Nalinee Diosara: Creator DNA codes activation & Unified Consciousness

Dear soul family
We have been flowing through powerful time. Our beings are shifting along with changes of energy waves and paradigms. Fears and old constructs are being released through our DNA, as well as our soul remembrance and tunes. What a wonderful moment for us to empower and return to our divine presence.
Let us gather and unite in this space of oneness as one web of light which we are through our hearts. In this space, we anchor the template of Oneness into our awareness as well as open to receive transmission which activates the divine creator DNA codes within us. This will assist us in deeper healing and release of old template within, as well as aligning us into the state of I AM which we are.
Joining us are the presence of our Oversouls, Lyran council, Elohim, Seraphims and more.

Preparing for the Great Global Shift with Elizabeth Wood

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We’ve been watching for the Awakening of humankind and we are now entering into one of the largest waves of change to come! This coming Winter Solstice has a very important message – It’s time to stand with Mother Earth and Mother Divine as they break down what is left of the Matrix in human systems. Spiritually, we all know what this means and have been aware of it if we’ve done a minimal amount of research. The financial systems of Earth, the political systems, the distribution systems, and everything that has made up the Patriarchy, is coming down. We will have to sift through what is left and choose certain aspects we want to keep. We will have to rebuild from the local community level in order to see the full replenishing of our relationship with Earth. Let’s get prepared spiritually, emotionally, and physically together!

Rebekah Renee: ANGELS 911 Presents: Photonic Illumination; Baptism By Fire

In the beginning, God Created Man in His Image, and he was Immortal.
These Codes of Creation were stored in the original primordial genetics of the RNA, 4.2 billion years ago. Over time, humanity has devolved as mortal beings on Earth, losing our God-Hood.
The Angels of 911 Now ReAwaken our Genetic Codes of Genesis. This creates the next evolution of Humanity known as Homo-Luminous.

Sandra Walter: Embodiment and the Crystalline DNA

Ascension Wayshower Sandra Walter joins us to discuss the new energetics of this year!

This is active territory as Solaris becomes more stimulated by the intergalactic pathways, which effects Gaia’s core, and our own heart centers. We take it Gateway by Gateway, understanding the physical manifestation is a reflection of what is already occurring with the higher timeline.

Jade-Yin Hom: Light Alchemy

Every cell in your body has the ability to regenerate itself but this natural process maybe slowed down by stress, impaired by disease or disrupted by environmental toxins. Light alchemy can help your body to revitalize, repair, rejuvenate and regenerate your cells.
This program goes beyond fixing problems. Every cell and organ system in your body will be energetically upgraded to perform at its optimal level. What if you can program every cell in your body to tap into its own regenerative potential? Are you ready to receive this and so much more?

Scott Smith: Human Consciousness: From the Unconscious to the Super-conscious

Human consciousness is like a layered cake composed of different strata, each of which has different functions and together makes up the wholeness of who you are. Most of us are only aware of but a small part of our entire consciousness. This is the primary source of strife on this planet, which originates from humanity’s lack of awareness of itself and its interconnectedness with all that is. In this call you will be taken on a journey expanding the range of your awareness, expanding your consciousness, and discovering your true nature.

Sarah Adams: Awakening into Unity Consciousness

We are in a time of radical awakening and transformation. The unity light has officially begun occupying the architecture of physicality as of early September when the heart of Giza reconnected into Andromeda and achieved a beautiful and long-awaited link-up to New Earth, ushering in the Unity light of the Equinox. The rainbow bridge from Earth’s heart to her higher self in Andromeda is now connected. This quickening is calling those of us in the first wave to let go of the old to make way for the new light? This is demanding radical re-configuration of our consciousness structure. It is a time of profound unknown while we literally hang between worlds. What a time to navigate as a species and as a planet. Join us for this exciting magical and musical hour with Ascension guide/ Sound and Energy Healer, Sarah Hope Adams, as we take a tour through the key moments of planetary ascension and receive tools and tips for navigating through this current “zone of transition”, finishing the show with a beautiful sound healing blessing encoded with unity love from the heart of the Andromeda to call us home into the heart of Divine Mother. It is Sarah’s greatest desire to inspire us and be a beacon of hope as we make this great transition from the old to the new Earth. Join us live, and Sarah will answer your questions at the end of the show. You won’t want to miss this show!