Elizabeth Wood: 12 Dimensional Body
We are far beyond any imagined future with access to all 12 Dimensions now! This is a precious time on Earth, but it’s also new waters without a map. We are the front runners, the map writers, the discoverers of how to be human with 12D access! All the old ways of healing, teaching, and even being have changed. The rules are being rewritten. How does this translate in practical terms for our still existing 3D lives?
Learn more about how to:
Perceive the 12 Dimensions and how it’s affecting the body and spirit.
Grounding this energy into the body in some practical steps.
Allow the power of dissolving Light to help you dissolve blocks and ego.
Use the 12 D to help redefine your life and work!
And much more…
Time for the next new step for human kind!