Elizabeth Wood: 12 Dimensional Body

We are far beyond any imagined future with access to all 12 Dimensions now! This is a precious time on Earth, but it’s also new waters without a map. We are the front runners, the map writers, the discoverers of how to be human with 12D access! All the old ways of healing, teaching, and even being have changed. The rules are being rewritten. How does this translate in practical terms for our still existing 3D lives?

Learn more about how to:

Perceive the 12 Dimensions and how it’s affecting the body and spirit.

Grounding this energy into the body in some practical steps.

Allow the power of dissolving Light to help you dissolve blocks and ego.

Use the 12 D to help redefine your life and work!

And much more…

Time for the next new step for human kind!

Xi EarthStar Healer: Insights from a Millennial Star Child

Aloha EarthStar Family, feeling blessed to share in this moment of rejoicing once again ~ 2018 has been an extremely accelerating adventure! I am feeling called to simply share about my grid-work and light-work journeys, and my perspective on the shift in Consciousness on Earth. As a millennial, we are often under-represented in the Awakening world… because we are just arriving.

Online Healing Retreat: 11•11 •11 Special Master Event: Awakening Your Own Light Codes From Within

Video and Audio Downloads – 4 hours
A Higher Consciousness Dimensional Version of Earth already exists.

You access it by elevating and expanding your own Multi-Dimensional Consciousness and Integrating your own SOUL Light fully from within. Activating your own H.D. Codes is a beyond important part of this process here. ♥

Multi-Dimensionality is our new existence here. Awakening the infinite Light Codes within us (and in our fields), means many things… most of all, that we “leave” the old unconscious” realities and open the door (portals) to all new amazing, brilliant and Light filled ones.

Karinna Nielsen: Heal Yourself While Learning How to Heal Others

Discover the miracles of the 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditation and begin the journey of self-healing while aging your soul. Awaken your cellular consciousness of 70 trillion cells, bringing forth a new awareness of what healing means on all four bodies—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Explore the healing techniques of the ancient Lemurians that assisted them in evolving through dimensional shifts such as we are experiencing in the now. Karinna Nielsen is a returning Lemurian Goddess Light, passionate purveyor of ancient Lemurian wisdom and the lead facilitator of the new Signature Cell Healing workshops.

Online Healing Retreat: 11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love

Audio Download – 2 hours
One of the most powerful gateway being experienced in this sacred year of 2018 is the 11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love. Through this gateway we experience the next level of Light codes pouring forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and in particular, the Light codes of the Divine Mother and Divine Father and the activation of the Diamond Heart of Purity and Innocence.

Lorie Ladd

Lorie Ladd: Experiencing Your Star Seed Family

Telos is the multidimensional Lemurian city within Mount Shasta. It is a powerful portal for us to access during our ascension. Lorie is a high council channel for Telos and a personal guide into the city. She channels powerful messages from within Telos and facilitates the light activations and healings that occur from both your Star families and Ascended Masters. One of the most beautiful gifts of this city is that you are reunited wth your Lemurian and Star family. You are reminded of who you are and why you are here. It is a powerful homecoming and an awakening into your light. It allows you to accelerate your ascension and open up to your Divinity.