Nora Herold: The Summer of Change: A Pleiadian Perspective

In these times of accelerated change, integration, re-ascension, and becoming your multidimensional self it is essential that you find within the vibratory rate of joy and use that as the foundation for your creations while at the same time allowing the process of transmutation of trauma to continue. Nora Herold and The Pleiadian Collective will assist you with this along with sharing up to the moment information on the status of the shift and how to best operate during this time. Let the unconditional love of the Pleiadians along with your guides and helpers facilitate your journey in becoming sovereign.

Susann Taylor Shier: Feel at Home in Your Universal Skin

You are a remarkable multidimensional soul, aware of the influx of the higher energies in many ways, while also being very sensitive to the energies continually ‘ping-ponging” around you here in this dimension. Know that there is a glorious place here for your astounding soul, while honoring your sensitivity, your intuitive abilities, your empathic nature, and your sense that you are a very expanded soul, trying to live in a physical body. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to reset the way you live life on planet earth, for both yourself and for the planet, for they go together hand and glove. THIS IS THE MEANS to create a heart-centered focus for your world, and thus the world you draw to you. THIS IS THE WAY to gain personal power from the divine to charge your mastery of being fully alive in the world – just as it is.

Nora Herold: Welcome to Your New Timeline – A Pleiadian Perspective

Join Nora Herold and The Pleiadian collective as they share information, love, and energetic support during this crucial phase of our integration and re-ascension experience. The Pleiadians will update you on the status of the shift, talk about the new timeline we’ve recently aligned with, offer processes and activations, and answer your questions.

Andrea Oneness: Awakening to Oneness with Andrea

Andrea is here to help you to arise into the Wisdom of the Heart, and become your Divine Self. Andrea has moved into the Fifth Dimension, as well as many dimensional levels beyond that. She now fully embodies her Higher Self.
Andrea will share that the only thing that really matters is Love. Though many of us are confused as to what this really is. In the end love is all, all is love. However, we are here to connect with the highest and purest vibration of love. This is experienced as a soft, warm and eternal embrace.
She will also share what helped her the most in her journey, which was to notice and ‘sit with’ any overwhelming emotions. To never judge what is unfolding within, but to instead pour love and understanding onto any parts that are seeking release.
Andrea will help you to connect with any healing angelic presences that you need, and bring you up into a state of Oneness with God, or the Divine.

Adria Wind Horse Estribou: Conversations with Archangels Channeled through Adria Wind Horse Estribou

The specific love and guidance the angels have for us is soul-affirming and life altering. What if we could see in our own lives what the angels see for us? What if we could ask for insight about the deepest mysteries and our most heartfelt wishes? What if we could feel profoundly at peace with how things are right in this moment? These are the gifts the angels bring.

Georgia Jean: Integration of the Master Consciousness Creator Self with Georgia and The Circle of Light

With the strengthening of the New Consciousness 5D Grid, we now have the opportunity to unify with our Master Consciousness Creator Self, the part of our expanded soul consciousness, that has already Mastered creation throughout all space times and dimensions. In fact, it is the part of us that has created our entire life experience, and therefor knows how to uncreate what is no longer serving us, and recreate a new reality for us, MUCH faster than it would take our “Little Me” Mind to figure out.

Tamra Oviatt

Tamra Oviatt: Activate Your Best Life

When one person disconnects, it disconnects tens of thousands more. Work in the subconsciousness of humanity to clear unneeded belief systems that prevent you from realizing your true potential for wealth, love, and happiness. Let go of negative beliefs about the world; our fears, and judgements. We release the toxicity from the collective and bring peace – first within ourselves, our community, and then the planet. Tamra will work on releasing fears and beliefs holding you back from living your best life. Open up to manifest health and prosperity. Discover new possibilities and turn them into reality.