Maria Martinez: How to Access the Divine Goddess to Create Overflow and Sufficiency

I love playing in the frequency and vibration of Divine Goddess. It allows me to really feel into my truth and the truth of creation within me. To play in this space, you first choose it then you open up your heart, body, and energy and raise your vibration to match, and reflect the qualities of Divine Goddess, Cosmic Mother, Divine Sacred Feminine. However, getting to this space is not always easy or direct.

Anna Francesca Celestino: Past Life Vows that Keep Us Stuck

It’s time to move on!
Do you ever wonder why you struggle with certain areas of your life? Money? Love? Health? Happiness?
It’s possible the root of the problem is a vow you made in a past life. Like a vow to poverty, chastity, solitude or even revenge! Until you clear the past, it’s hard to live a full and fruitful life in the present.

Addison Ames: Get to Know Your Soul! How to Know Yourself Through Soul Work

Addison Ames talks about Soul Work and how through personal Soul Work people can understand their mission, purpose, and reason for being. In this conversation, Addison outlines what the Soul is, what it does, and how to get to know your Soul. He will also talk about channeling, how he channels, and then channel Metatron, a high dimensional being specialized in ascension, spiritual development, and evolution for all creation, including Earth and humanity. Metatron helps people with their own personal ascension and provides teaching which can transform, enlighten, inspire, and challenge.

Catherine Rosenbaum: Calling All Starseeds: A Cosmic Activation on the Solstice

How to stay on course through the challenges that are being revealed from the shadows. The greater plan, The Cosmic Reveal is happening! Let’s talk about our personal work in these times. Our mission statement. Our quantum leap from mind to heart. Each one of us has a Divine design/blueprint waiting to be activated, accelerated and awakened right now.

Paul Temple: Awakening the Light in Our Heart

Master the human experience as you integrate your Ascended Mastery — Advanced Program!
The Path of Mastery program guides you through Riana Arendse’s acclaimed Transformational processes for creating deep and lasting change in your life. This program triggers a profound transformation in your entire neurological makeup – causing you to think, feel, and perceive on a whole new level.

Peter Hansen: You Are Always Exactly Where You’re Supposed to Be, With Archangel Gabriel Channeled Through Peter Hansen

Every Live Event is a Unique Angelic Experience with one-of-a-kind questions and topics on listeners’ hearts. Now is your chance if you haven’t been on one of these fantastic live streams. Get your questions ready and join Peter Hansen, Psychic Angelic Channeler, and Lauren Galey on this upcoming Quantum Conversation.