Micheila Sheldan: Dropping the Anchors | Activating Your Inner Creator

We have just experienced a major shift in our earth grid lines, opening up portals to allow us to integrate multi-dimensional timeline information. At the same time, we are purging karma and density and an incredibly fast pace. Our human ascension is evident in the recent spikes of the Schumann Resonance, showing us the movement forward we have been anticipating for a long time.

Marilyn Harper

Marilyn Harper: Holographic Healing from Adironnda with the Council of Light

Holographic Healing is a new technique being taught and used by Marilyn and Adironnda with the Council of Light guiding the dimensional process of actual re-structuring of the emotional, mental and physical body. Today we will go into your own Akashic Records bringing up the core cause of any disease or chronic ailment and (hopefully) release that cause.

Marilyn Alauria

Marilyn Alauria: Constant Communication with Your Guides

Connect to spirit in such a way that makes your entire life feel like a Spiritual Song.” says Marilyn Alauria, who joins us in this LIVE call to give messages from spirit, plus show us how we can develop our own
connection to spirit by developing our psychic faculties such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance and more. This Quantum Conversation explores how you can connect to your Celestial Team and understand how they are communicating constantly with you!

LILsa Transcendance Brown

Lisa Transcendence Brown: You Are ON a Multi-Dimensional Earth

Each Dimension of Earth is a different version, is a different vibration, has different alternate physical realities
and it’s not “one day”, it’s now. In order to access the higher vibrational planes of existence intentionally (instead of for just a few moments at a time), we first intentionally shift our own vibration, we expand our consciousness out across infinite dimensions from within.

Judy Satori: The Secret of the Bosnian Pyramids – Our Multi-Galactic Heritage

Hear Judy’s story about her time spent at the Bosnian Pyramids and the underground tunnels of Ravne, located at Visoko.
Maybe the Bosnian pyramids hold a special secret of ancient knowledge and information for us to find?
Enjoy Judy’s story and multi-galactic energy transmissions to open you to your multi-galactic heritage and shift you into greater self-love.