SanRa: Journey to the Sacred Temples of Lemuria

Join SanRa and the Lemurian Priestess Circle of 13 as they take you on a journey of sacred temples in Lemuria. There are earth temples, star temples, cosmic temples, temples of the sacred flames, temples for teaching, temples of initiation, solar, galactic, and universal temples, and many more. You may already be familiar with some of these Lemurian temples. Each temple has it’s own unique offerings, all being of service. Many of us have tended these temples and the sacred energies they hold. Now that we are opening more fully to our Lemurian and cosmic heritage and wisdom, we are again able to access the energies of these sacred temples.


As you may know, the new Golden Age upon earth is here. What is very exciting is that we are part of the process of co-creating it! It is not being anchored for us, but we are participants in the process. We are giving energetic input and offering our deepest heartfelt desires of how we wish to live together on our beloved earth. This does not come from our ego, but from our ever increasing heart energy, our growing splendorous light and our empowered sense of wisdom, harmony, beauty and wonder.