Tracey Ash: Avatar

We have an unprecedented cosmic opportunity to redefine humanity. Just what is happening in 2019/2020. In visions, of prophesy and contact since childhood Tracey Ash has been directed to premier ancient sites to open the seven gateways to our central sun. In her work with individuals she is a formidable channel and catalyst of your original sacred contracts. She is an EMOTO scientifically researched field-leader and meta-physics genius. Capable of weaving timelines over life times.

Tracey Ash: Avatar

We have an unprecedented cosmic opportunity to redefine humanity. Just what is happening in 2019/2020. In visions, of prophesy and contact since childhood Tracey Ash has been directed to premier ancient sites to open the seven gateways to our central sun. In her work with individuals she is a formidable channel and catalyst of your original sacred contracts. She is an EMOTO scientifically researched field-leader and meta-physics genius. Capable of weaving timelines over life times.

Tracey Ash: Warriors of Ascension + Contact

We are the new revolutionary generation. We have it. We grow it. We are committed to ascension beyond all else. We are the warriors of truth. The masters of disclosure. The revolutionaries who overhaul reality. The wound weavers who show world can be created in another way. We are the generation that will finally, finally listen. We are the generation that finally awakens. We are the generation that will be listened to. We are the sacred new way. This is going to be incredible new frontier discussion and radio. We will explore how more of us can manifest as agents of extraordinary change, ascension and service.