Courses by Instructor
Gene Ang – Arcturian Healing Frequencies
Laurie Reyon – Inter-species Communicator
Sandra Walter – Ascension Guide
Meg Benedicte – Quantum Vortex Founder
Dr. Bruce Goldberg, Superconscious Mind Tap
Lauren Galey – New Earth Business Coach & Wellpoint Hypnosis Practitioner
Lisa Transcendence Brown – Ascension Guide
Judy Cali – Golden Age Channel
Matthew John, Intuitive Starseed Healer
Sherry Mosley – Pleiadian Light Language Transmissions
Dorian Light – Psychic Energetics & Light Language
Scroll Down to See Master Classes of 3 Sessions each:
Media Production 101: Creating, Editing & Producing Digital Content with Lauren Galey
Video Training Course & Live Media Labs
Plus LIVE Monthly Media Labs
11am PT /12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET / 7pm GMT
3 Hour video course with additional support. Join Lauren Galey in this NEW professional workshop for Lightworkers who wish to learn the basics of Media Production so you can create digital products for sale, download and digital delivery.
Online Healing Retreat Advanced Psychic Lightwork: Navigating Astral Interference & Psychic Attacks with Xi Earthstar Healer
3 Video Downloads – 2 hours each
This 3 day virtual retreat is a ceremonial space in which we bring the Light of our Divinity to the recesses of collective Consciousness, to gain the perceptive skills to step forth as a Custodian of the New Earth.
Online Healing Retreat: The Solar Logos Transmissions with Gene Ang
3 Sessions of Energy Transmissions
In this three part series, we will be making a deeper connection with the being of the sun known as the Solar Logos. The Solar Logos is also known as the Christ Being and through the ages and different cultures has been referred to as Ahura Mazdao and acts as a fractal emanation pattern of the Godhead which humanity can relate to. We can go into deeper resonance with the information field of the Solar Logos in order to develop and bring through our own Higher Self.
Tracey Ash: Star-Gates & New Earth Training
3 Sessions in Video & Audio format
This is a very special ASCENSION gift exclusive to Quantum Conversations.
STAR-GATES & NEW EARTH TRAINING activates and trains individuals in working premier power-sites world-wide. This is the defining EARTH GRID & NEW EARTH TRAINING OF OUR TIMES.
Online Healing Retreat Master Class with Xi Earthstar Healer
Online Healing Retreat Master Class with Xi Earthstar Healer
3 Sessions
This 3 day virtual retreat is a ceremonial space in which we bring the Light of our Divinity to the recesses of collective Consciousness, to gain the perceptive skills to step forth as a Custodian of the New Earth.
Online Healing Retreat Master Class : Thriving with Quantum Jumps and Reality Shifts with Cynthia Sue Larson
3 Sessions in Video & Audio Download
Join Cynthia Sue Larson to learn how you can steer your life–in the form of consciousness–through worlds of possibility. This is a completely natural process that we usually engage in subconsciously on autopilot, which we can benefit from engaging more fully with conscious awareness and the fullness of our ng> 11am PT / 12pm MT /1pm CT / 2pm ET / 6pm GMT
Online Healing Retreat Video-on-Demand: A Gathering of Crystal Light Souls
Video On Demand
Join Nora WalksInSpirit and other spiritual luminaries for this video on demand of the Gathering of Crystal Light Souls.
The Arcturian 5 Platonic Solids On-line Healing Retreat: Deepening the Meaning of Manifestation with Gene Ang
3 Sessions in downloadable Audio
The Arcturian 5 Platonic Solids On-line Healing Retreat: Deepening the Meaning of Manifestation with Gene Ang
New Earth Body with Patrick McCormick
3 Video Sessions
Enjoy 3 Sessions with Kartron channelled via Patrick McCormick as techniques are learned to create the New Earth Body, releasing 13,000 years of old patterning, and stepping into 5D and above Physicality.
Dr. Suzanne Lie: Merging & Integrating Multidimensional Aspects
2 Sessions in Audio Download
11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET / 6pm GMT
Join Dr. Suzanne Lie and The Arcturians for channeled messages and guided meditations to identify, realize, merge and intergrate your Multidimensional Aspects. As Multidimensional beings, we have the ability to access more light and information as we step into our roles for incarnating on the Planet.
Akashic Records for Emotional Freedom with Holly Marwood
2 sessions in Video & Audio Download
Join Holly Hawkins Marwood on an Akashic Records Journey as she introduces you to the Akashic Records, shows you an easy-to-use method to consistently access them, and then enjoy multiple guided experiences in your own Akashic Records. Once you are introduced to this incomparable Soul-level resource you will be taken on a journey to begin unpacking all that is in your way, all that you have felt stuck with, all that is holding you back in your emotional field.
Arcturian Healing Method Master Class Series 9: Arcturian Upper Echelon Intensive Retreat with Gene Ang
3 Sessions in Video & Audio
Arcturian Healing Frequencies Master Class #9: Arcturian Upper Echelon Intensive Retreat
Christopher Macklin – Past Life Clearings & Divine Healing
2 Sessions in Video and Audio
Experience this dynamic teaching lesson and group Healing Session with Christopher Macklin who shares in-depth Ancient Wisdom to clear past life energies and past emotional issues.
Jon Berman: OHR Master Class – Universal Law of Efficiency
Four recorded webinars – 90 minutes each
This seminar will teach you the Universal Law of Efficiency principles and how to create optimal health. We will learn about the Three Pillars of Health: Physics, Consciousness, and Genetics, and how to create optimal health, love, and abundance.
Arcturian Healing Method Master Class Series 8: The Zermatt 7 Transmissions with Gene Ang
3 Sessions in audio download
Arcturian Healing Frequencies Master Class #8: The Zermatt 7 Transmissions
Join Gene Ang in this 3-part series of frequency tranmissions with the Arcturian Healing Frequencies plus the new frequencies from the starship sightings in Zermatt, Switzerland in February 2018. These are new frequencies to be received and unpacked within us and also more frequencies from the Arcturians, Metatron and Melchizedek.
Dr. Edwige Bingue: Ascension Transformation
Audio Download Home Study Course
Experience 3 Energetic Sessions (over 2 hours each) with Dr. Edwige who covers the Ascension Transformation and the 3 phases: Transmutation, Transformation, Transfiguration with understanding the Rays of God that apply to each as well as prayers, principles and tools of mastery. Enjoy this program via webcast or home-study version in downloadable audio.
The Golden Awakening with Judy Cali
This Online Healing Retreat with Judy Cali will be overlighted by Ascended Master Jesus as we journey to Inner Earth for Conversations with Adama, the High Priestess of Telos, and the Inner Earth Librarian Mikos, among many more beings, angelics, elementals and golden dolphins that will come through via Judy in this 3 part series.
Diamond Template Activations
5 Sessions in Video
Online Healing Retreat
Diamond Template Activations
A 5-Part Series: 1 Online Webcast to activate the first Diamond Template, then 4 videos to activate the additional templates on your own.
The Diamond Template Activations program is an invitation to step up, to engage with your multidimensional Self and literally ‘plug into’ the Divine Matrix. It is a journey and a sequence of activations that pulls together the strands of all that you are and have been, and provides the infrastructure to anchor and realize the amazing power of your own best and Highest Self.
Meeting Your Galactic Self with Dr. Suzanne Lie
2 Audio Sessions with 9 Guided Meditations
Webinar with downloadable recording. Experience two sessions with Dr. Suzanne Lie and The Arcturians who offer processes and exercises to Meet your Galactic Self.
Receiving Clearer Higher Self/Universal Messages with Lisa Transcendence Brown
Video-on-Demand with downloadable video and audio
In this 4.5 hour Quantum Discussion, Lisa will provide you with clear tools to utilize and implement in order to further open your own inner channels to higher dimensional/higher vibrational knowledge and realities for you to anchor in your physical reality here.
Interdimensional Communication: Decoding Light Language with Dr. Suzanne Lie
Webinar with downloadable recording. Experience two sessions with Dr. Suzanne Lie and The Arcturians who offer processes and exercises to Decode Light Language and tune into your Interdimensional Communication Skills.
Arcturian Healing Method Master Class Series 7: The Cloaks of Christ: Resonating with the Subtle Bodies of the Solar Logos with Gene Ang
There is a profound revelation stated by Rudolf Steiner, the Rosicrucian teacher and master, regarding the capacity to weave the subtle bodies of Christ into the subtle bodies of humanity.
Arcturian MerKaBa Transmissions with Gene Ang
The Arcturian Mer-Ka-Ba transmissions are meant to activate your 5 vehicles of consciousness with love. This activates and coordinates your consciousness to receive light and information from higher worlds and muliti-dimensional planes of reality and existence.
Arcturian Healing Modalities: Master Class Series 4 Metatron, Melchizedek, and Arcturian (MMA)
In this Online Healing Retreat, we will be utilizing never before used healing frequencies from Metatron, Melchizedek, and the Arcturians. These frequencies come as part of the training in Level 6 of the Arcturian Healing Method which will be taught for the first time this Winter Solstice in December.
Arcturian Healing Method Master Class Series 3: Healing, Wealthy, and Wise with Gene Ang
This special three part on-line healing retreat centers around the 3 characteristics of a good life: healthy, wealthy, and wise. We will be utilizing a number of the Arcturian Healing Method frequencies for each of these intentions each in a unique protocol.
Arcturian Healing Method Master ClassSeries 2: Increasing Clarity with the Arcturian & Metatron Healing Frequencies with Gene Ang
In this on-line healing retreat we will discuss the importance and relevance of thought forms. What they are? How they influence us and others? And how we can extract strong crystallized thought forms from our energy field and consciousness? Then we will experience an in-depth energy treatment using various Arcturian Healing Method frequencies meant to extract unwanted and unhelpful thought forms.
Arcturian Healing Method Master Class Series 1 with Gene Ang
In this on-line healing retreat you will be exposed to a full array of Arcturian Healing Method frequencies geared to balance your nervous and endocrine system. There will be 3 frequencies used during the retreat
Light Language & The Human Chakra System with Dr. Suzanne Lie
Preparing for the August Eclipse and the resetting of human consciousness, we are joined by the Arcturians via Dr. Suzanne Lie, who share on this next evolutionary step of Ascension. We also focus on the enhancement of our perceptions and our understanding of Light Language, which comes to each person in a variety of ways.
The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love with Anrita Melchizedek
In this new Golden Age of Light, as all Life is lifted into the next level of their Soul’s Forward Evolution and Mother Earth activates more deeply into the New Earth Templates, we are offered an opportunity to experience a bio-circuitry recalibration of our lower bodies, physical body parts and organs.
Arcturian Quantum Holographic Healing Techniques with Gene Ang
This is a popular course by Gene Ang, who teaches you how to bend spoons using 6 different techniques based on quantum mechanics and torsion field physics. So why hold a spoon bending class? It is not only about bending spoons! The change in material reality demonstrated by the bent utensil is a model for change.