Mastery Empowerment Course
The Arcturian Divine Feminine Healing Frequencies with Gene Ang
3 Sessions in Audio & Video Download, with Energy sessions extracted in individual files
Mastery Empowerment Course: The Arcturian Divine Feminine Healing Frequencies
3 Sessions in Audio & Video Download, with Audio only energy sessions
Mastery Empowerment Course: the Arcturian Divine Feminine Healing Frequencies
In this next installment of the Mastery Empowerment Classes, we will be working with the six divine feminine energies from the Arcturians and the Arcturian Healing Method. These six divine feminine qualities or frequencies include pacification, increase, magnetization, wrathfulness, and accomplishment. The Arcturian Divine Feminine Frequencies of Pacification allow healing of disease, curing of ailments, and bringing peace and harmony to situations. The Arcturian Divine Feminine of Increase bring good luck and the increase of abundance on all levels. The Arcturian Divine Feminine Frequencies of Magnetization brings the creation of our thoughts and intention into physical reality. The Arcturian Divine Feminine Frequencies of Wrath bring the destruction and dissolution of negativities. The Arcturian Divine Feminine Frequencies of Accomplishment bring the accomplishment of whatever activities you wish to perform.
We will be working with and exposed to these new Arcturian Healing Method frequencies over three meetings. The three meetings include the following:
Day 1-We will be working with the Arcturian Divine Feminine Frequencies for Pacification and Increase. Here we can work to heal and balance illnesses and bring good luck to projects and overall abundance.
Day 2-We will move onto working with the Arcturian Divine Frequencies for Manifestation and Wrath. Here we will focus on intentions which we would like to see drawn to us or magnetized in our life. Also we will be utilizing the Arcturian Divine Feminine Energies for Wrath to destroy or clear out any obstructions or obstacles towards accomplishing our goals and intentions.
Day 3-Finally, we will work with the Arcturian Divine Feminine Frequencies of Accomplishment as well as a blast of all five Arcturian Divine Feminine Frequencies together to bring success to all aspects of our life.
Each day will include discussions, questions and answers, after the energy healing session as well as a Pillar of Light meditation to anchor these Arcturian Divine Feminine Energies deeper into our system. Each session is 2 hours long. All participants will be included in the energy of the session and will receive the mp3 recordings of the session following its conclusion.