Special Event

with Meg Benedicte

2-2-2 Activations

Audio Download 2 Hours

Meg Benedicte

Audio Download – Global Activation

In esoteric teachings the universal number sequence of 222 signifies our life purpose, spiritual growth and evolutionary progress. To realize your full potential, you need to trust in yourself. 222 opens you to new levels of consciousness and ancient knowledge, as you learn to trust the Soul’s inner wisdom.

On February 2nd, 2020 we are blessed with universal 222 focus – the symbol of the High Priestess and higher aspirations. In numerology the ‘2’ influence is a desire to bring equality and peace to our beloved Gaia.

We are transmitters and receivers of light. As the gateway opens, our bioelectric field attunes to the ascension codes embedded in the light infusion. When we travel to the galactic center and connect to the crystal stargate of Source, we are paving the pathway home to Creator.

Prepare to quantum leap to the next level of your Soul’s Ascension Plan! The planetary shift is accelerating into 5th Dimension as the old Time Matrix dissolves. Are you ready to jump into the next phase of your personal Ascension? Travel to the Great Central Sun and step into the Crystal Stargate with Starseeds all around the world, as Meg channels Metatron’s sacred geometry Activations. Tapping into the ancient knowledge of Zep Tepi Mystery Schools and Quantum Access™ modality, Meg will guide you through the steps to open your Portal to the Quantum Field.


We are in for a rare treat on Sunday, February 2nd – it only happens once this century. The date 02/02/2020 is called a palindrome, a coherent number sequence that reads the same forwards and backwards. It forms a ‘mirror effect’ in the quantum field. During the 222 Gateway, we have access to the infinite timeless holographic universe. The palindrome blurs the lines of time, opening the door to the past, present and future.

2020 is the year humankind steps out of the past and into a new plane of existence. The 222 Gateway enhances your ability to connect to your past self and your future self. No longer locked in time, you can travel the universe into potential livelihoods never imagined before. Open the floodgates of positive visons and intentions for yourself and the planet.

In tarot ’2’ represents the High Priestess and the divine feminine qualities of intuition, harmony and psychic awareness. The world is evolving beyond the lower vibratory self-serving system of past centuries. ‘Conquer and defeat’ is no longer the means to an end. Heartfelt visions and magnetism attract synchronicities in the higher dimensional earth plane.

2020 is the ‘22’ year of the Master Builder and Alchemist. We are the Light Bearers, Wayshowers and Peace Keepers! We are birthing a new 5D planetary field sustained by Love. As the old system drops away, humanity has an opportunity to resurrect a peaceful, harmonious lifestyle for all beings on Gaia.

If you are new to the Quantum Access technique, Meg created a visual guide on how to apply the activation steps with Metatron’s Cube sacred geometry. This short video is available to prepare for the global webcast.

In esoteric teachings the universal number sequence of 222 signifies our life purpose, spiritual growth and evolutionary progress. To realize your full potential, you need to trust in yourself. The 222 Gateway opens you to new levels of consciousness and ancient knowledge, as you learn to trust the Soul’s inner wisdom.

On February 2nd, 2020 we are blessed with a rare Palindrome 02022020 – a number sequence that reads the same backward as forward. 222 is also the symbol of the High Priestess and higher aspirations. In numerology the ‘2’ influence is a desire to bring equality and peace to our beloved Gaia. It is the perfect energy to seed our visions and intentions for the New Earth.

The powerful 222 Gateway enhances your ability to envision new innovative ideas, systems and lifestyles that form a peaceful world. This is our moment to question distorted authority, policies and practices that only serve a small few, instead of supporting the entire world population. Riding the stellium wave in Capricorn, we are replacing the old, corrupted, imbalanced institutions with collaboration and cooperation.

We are the Light Bearers, the Alchemists and the Peace Keepers! Step into the magical 222 Gateway and spread Love, Harmony and Forgiveness into the collective field. Join other Star Beings and Gridworkers from all around the world, as we gather on Sunday, February 2nd to broadcast our 222 Gateway Global Activations.

Ascension Activations

We are transmitters and receivers of light. As the gateway opens, your bioelectric field attunes to your Soul’s Ascension Codes embedded in the light infusion. When you travel to the galactic center and connect to the crystal stargate of Source, you are paving the pathway home to Creator.

Ancient Alchemy

Travel to the Great Central Sun and step into the Crystal Stargate with Lightworkers all around the world, as Meg channels Metatron’s sacred geometry Activations. Tapping into the ancient knowledge of Zep Tepi Mystery Schools and Quantum Access modality, Meg will guide you through the steps to open your Portal to the Quantum Field.