Global Gateway Activation

with Meg Benedicte

4-4-4 Activations

Audio Replay

Meg Benedicte

444 Gateway Global Activations

In esoteric numerology, 444 is the symbol for Archangels. On April 4th we are blessed with an Angelic ‘444 Gateway’, vibrating with angelic love and support. While the 444 Gateway is open the Angelic Realms are more accessible and sending positive signs, signals and guidance.

Number 4 also represents the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and the four sacred directions, North, South, East and West. Nothing can physically materialize in our planetary field without Nature. The Archangels and Nature spirits support our heart’s desires and Soul purpose during this transformative time.

The arrival of ‘444’ signals that we are entering another Ascension upgrade – a quantum leap into higher dimensional consciousness. We are currently receiving angelic transmissions to prepare us for this huge ascension up-leveling.

Also occurring on April 4th is an exact alignment of Jupiter conjunct Pluto at 24°Capricorn. Jupiter expands and amplifies the Plutonian aspect of extremes. We are currently experiencing this phenomenon on a global scale when ‘small things become big’, as the coronavirus reaches maximum magnification in a world pandemic. How will this transit influence your life reality? Where would you like to increase more magnetism? Or call in meaningful resolutions? Jupiter conjunct Pluto can lead to new discoveries, new innovations, new insights.

This transit strengthens personal focus and drive to achieve what you’re passionate about. Pluto helps you peel away the illusion, delusion and artifice to reveal the underlying truth of the matter. During this volatile time of rapid change, all that does not resonate with Truth will drop away so you can live a life of meaning and purpose.

The difficulties you endure during this transit require thoughtful evaluation and innovative solutions – deciding what needs to be nurtured and developed and what needs to be shed and let go. With so much changing in the world we are moving through the refiner’s fire, transforming from carbon to crystal. All non-essentials are dropping by the wayside.

This is a time that requires laser focus, paying attention, attuning to energy, intuiting with discernment. We are on the brink of a new era. During the Activations we will work on both personal and planetary transformation. With the Archangels support, we are here to influence the direction of humanity and Gaia into 5th dimensional consciousness.

If you are new to the Quantum Access technique, Meg created a visual guide on how to apply the activation steps with Metatron’s Cube sacred geometry. This short video is available to prepare for the global webcast.

About Meg Benedicte:

Meg Benedicte discovered early on that she had a unique gift for understanding subtle energies and later for discerning the vigorous traumatic patterns that relate to dysfunction and ill health. Over the years, she has become a notable pioneer in Quantum Healing and

Ascension Activations, first through her own transformation and eventually working with clients spanning the globe. As a pioneer in Quantum Healing and Sacred Geometry, Meg experienced a profound awakening in 1994 that activated her inherent template for performing and understanding the mechanics of Quantum Access® as a powerful tool for transformation. It was during the 1994 Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles that Meg experienced a spontaneous kundalini activation that opened her energy body to accept an angelic Soul Walk-In…a feminine aspect of Archangel Metatron’s soul group. This experience was life-transforming as Meg discovered through the guidance and wisdom of Metatron the magnitude of change possible when tapping into the Zero Point Field (vacuum dynamics) of a spinning Torus Vortex, the source of creation for the Universe. When using Quantum Access® clients experience deeper soul connection, feel lighter and more peaceful within all levels of their energy, and begin to notice and observe daily habits and behavior that no longer resonate with their increased consciousness. As clients clear out lower density and activate their innate healing powers, they begin to manage and monitor their own energy and daily equilibrium. ‘In truth, living every day should be an act of love and joy says Ms. Benedicte. Therefore it is my goal to empower every person I can by helping them release old patterns and conditioning that keeps them from living a life of bliss.”