Online Healing Retreat
Arcturian Healing Method: Master Class Series 6 Arcturian Mer-Ka-Ba Transmissions: Activating the Jewel Body With Love
Online Healing Retreat:
Master Class Series 6 – QuArcturian Mer-Ka-Ba Transmissions: Activating the Jewel Body With Love
2 Hours of Healing Transmissions in each session in MP3 Audio Downloads. Plus! Each Energy Session is extracted into its own MP3 for repeated listening
The Arcturian Mer-Ka-Ba transmissions are meant to activate your 5 vehicles of consciousness with love. This activates and coordinates your consciousness to receive light and information from higher worlds and multi-dimensional planes of reality and existence. The Mer-Ka-Ba is known as a vehicle of consciousness or chariot which can allow the spiritual practitioner the ability to journey into the other planes of existence. Mer means love. Ka means the etheric body (pranic body). Ba means the astral body. When the etheric body and astral body are infused with Love from the Divine then the person can travel in the inner worlds.
This series of 3 transmissions will utilize a special Arcturian Blue and Purple Sapphire Jewel that will be energetically encoded into each participants heart area. This Arcturian Mer-Ka-Ba Jewel will then infuse all 5 consciousness vehicles (physical, etheric, astral, causal, and spiritual) with Divine Love. After completion of the 3 transmissions, participants will have a greater capacity to travel in the inner world, hear the inner voice from their Higher Self, connect more strongly with Higher Beings and their Guides, and receive packed information (downloads and uploads) communicated between themselves and spiritual beings. In addition, participants will develop their compassion and desire and the ability for selfless service for all sentient beings.
Transmission 1 (day 1): Encodes the Arcturian Mer-Ka-Ba Jewel in your heart and begins the process of love infusion into the physical and etheric body.
Transmission 2 (day 2): Further activation of the light infusion into the astral and causal bodies.
Transmission 3 (day 3): Complete activation of the spiritual body and coordination among all five bodies with inner world flight and communication.
Each day of the online healing retreat will consist of the use of the Arcturian Healing Method Frequencies to prepare the subtle bodies to receive the transmission, the transmission itself, followed by Arcturian Healing Method Frequencies to integrate the transmission. There will be time for questions, answers, and discussion after each energy session.