Online Healing Retreat
Arcturian Healing Method Master ClassSeries 2: Increasing Clarity with the Arcturian & Metatron Healing Frequencies
Plus!Each Energy Session is extracted into it’s own MP3 for repeated listening
Online Healing Retreat: Increasing Clarity With the Arcturian and Metatron Healing Frequencies
Session 1: Extracting Crystalized Thought Forms
In this on-line healing retreat we will discuss the importance and relevance of thought forms. What they are? How they influence us and others? And how we can extract strong crystallized thought forms from our energy field and consciousness? Then we will experience an in-depth energy treatment using various Arcturian Healing Method frequencies meant to extract unwanted and unhelpful thought forms. This will include Arcturian Blueprint Activation (ABA) as well as the crystallized thought form extraction protocol [Arcturian Freeze Frequency (AFF), Arcturian Extraction Frequency (AEF), and Arcturian Restore Frequence (ARF)].
Session 2: Releasing Emotional Wounds
In this on-line healing retreat, we will be addressing emotional wounds or scars that can be held from lifetime to lifetime. Sometimes referred to as samskaras in ancient Vedic yoga literature, these emotional scars can influence us without our conscious awareness. This will be the first time that the Arcturian Healing Method Level 5 frequencies coming from the Arcturian/Metatron devices will be used in a group setting. There is a particular frequency coming from both the Arcturians and Metatron, the Angelic being, that can efficiently extract and release these emotional wounds and scars. This can be life altering and life changing.
Session 3: Adjusting Our Timelines
We continue with day 3 of the on-line healing retreat by utilizing a different Arcturian/Metatron frequency meant to adjust or change our current timeline towards one that is more optimal. Our future is constantly changing depending on possible timelines which we can choose either to manifest or keep in potential. Certain nodal points in our life allow for rapid acceleration of our evolution and consciousness because they allow for a change onto a more optimal timeline. When this Causal Arcturian/Metatron (CAM) frequency is channeled on to a person it either stabilizes an existing timeline that is beneficial or creates a nodal point to allow the person to switch to a more beneficial and prosperous timeline.