Online Healing Retreat
Quantum Healing & Remote Viewing
Online Healing Retreat:
Quantum Healing & Remote Viewing
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Quantum Healing and Remote Viewing
Are you a healer who would like to take their skills to the next level? Would you like more tools in your tool box for healing yourself and others? Learn the science and spiritual concepts behind many topics such as –
What is quantum healing and how does it work scientifically?
How does remote viewing work?
How to hone your remote viewing skills
Medical Intuition
Spectrums of Light for quantum healing
Healing chronic illness – practices for long life
If you’re ready to refresh, refine and add to your skills as a healer, this online healing retreat is for you! Receive activations, practices, and masterful instruction from Elizabeth Wood, a world-class seer, scientist, medical intuitive, quantum healer and remote viewer. Create the New Earth using your incredible healing abilities now!
Bonus: Receive a worksheet for the retreat to organize your notes and ideas! Use it for later personal work too.