Online Healing Retreat Video-on-Demand

with Nora Anderson

A Gathering of Crystal Light Souls


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Nora WalksInSpirit
A Gathering of Crystal Light Souls

MASTERS of LIGHT reveal their Attendance to an Infinite Conference of LIGHT

There are many MASTERS of many SPECIES and many DIMENSIONS who are actively preparing for this Conference of LIGHT SOULS, and all that is Aligning into Perfection in precise Divinities of LIGHT will be flowing from all Speakers, Teachers and Healers as their own Mastery will be infusing within their own Matrix Fields of LIGHT CONSCIOUSNESS of MEJ

There will be sound clouds of harmonic tones and whispering Essences of Light Beings floating upon all Crown Chakras and Hearts when the Opening Ceremony rings in all those who are sitting in STILLNESS, and, as the Masters arrive row by row, the heightened vibratory fields will envelope all who are seated and soaring into their Higher Master Souls Light Chords J

This is a GATHERING of CRYSTALS of LIGHT that have been hidden deep within many Souls on this Planet and are now ready to unfold and unveil their beauty upon all ESSENCES of all LIGHT CRYSTAL SOULS.

The Mastery of eloquence shimmering in all Etheric Fields will be transmitted upon all Matrix Bodies and Etheric Grid Systems as each Soul becomes ONENESS of its own Soul Seeds tapping onto one another with LOVE LIGHT HARMONY.

It is not for those to sit and wait on the WORD for the WORD will be SPOKEN and delivered into all heart beats and into all Higher Minds as each child will be raised up into Mastery Consciousness the moment they are seated into the vibration of STILLNESS.  And as the WORD will be SPOKEN, the Electronic vibrations will be instilled and the “Ceremony of Mastery” will be displayed all weekend long.

IAM HERE CHILD to deliver you the WORD and the STILLNESS of the WORD….it will be all that you will Hear, Feel and Know for when I Arrive MY HOLIEST of HOLIES LIGHT fills every Syllable and Frequency of every WORD that shall be poured upon all hearts and minds who LISTEN, as each Speaker, Teacher, Healer shall become MY ESSENCE and MY PRESENCE for all Souls to Transform into their MASTER SOULS

This Gathering of CRYSTAL LIGHT SOULS is just that…. Let them come to become ONE and let that ONE be of ME- MASTERY ENERGY of who they truly are born to be in fullness of their human form, now in WHOLENESS of a MASTER of a CRYSTAL LIGHT SOUL J

You will bring them into AWARENESS, and I will bring them into their ONENESS Consciousness and all will be in such heightened states of INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS that all Master Abilities, Gifts and Profound Illuminations of LIGHT ESSENCES will astound and announce its Soul Self into all who Awaken and TRANSFORM on this very weekend soon arriving October 13th-14th, 2018

WE will be infusing the Building with LIGHT STRANDS and LIGHT QUOTIENTS of higher Realms to demonstrate the POWERS that will be demonstrated….. You need only be there, to JUST BE ME J


Come here My Child and sit with ME, so that I may bring you into MY LIGHT of a LIGHT BEING

I AM bringing you, pristine DIAMOND Crystalline LIGHT ESSENCES of all that you are in many Particles and Silhouettes on many days now for you to Telepathically ..join into ONE-NESS Consciousness with ALL who are called to Transform on this Sacred Gathering of Crystal Light Souls.

This Gathering of Crystal Light Souls of Mastery Minds infused of heightened Frequencies from Beyond will speak through the Sacred Teachers, Healers, Shamans and all Light Workers who will invoke their Sacred Mastery into all hearts and minds to be uniformly Balanced, Aligned then Shifted into ONENESS

Your own Abilities are Awakening within you and this weekend will be amplifying as LIGHT CODES of Crystalline ESSENCES delivered through these heightened Master Teachers/Shamans/Healers/Musicians’ Electromagnetic Frequencies that will become pu­rified and Crystalized by Tachyon Frequencies.

All will be Harmonized, Synchronized and Attuned into higher aspects of your· true CRYS­TAL LIGHT SOUL as the Messages delivered onto all who LISTEN within will become Infi­ nite Divinely Aligned into ONENESS of ALL that JUST IS.

I leave you now MY CHILD of LIGHT to be guided and enlightened by the Crystal Energies that form Crystalline Diamond Essences of LIGHT upon you and all who are called to TRANSFORM.

Conference  Schedule




Jorge Luis Delgado Keeper of Ancient Knowledge

Pete Bernard The 8th Fire Algonquin Medicine Man

Micheal Moon Gentle melodies that entrain you to the rhythms of the earth and the harmonies of the spheres.

Jason Quirt The Awakening of Consciousness into our Multi-Dimensional future selves

Rob Potter The Light Body-Esoteric Anatomy” Tachyons, Crystals and Pyramids as Tools for Transformation

NoraWalksinspirit Connecting & Communicating to your Crystal LIGHT SOUL



Pete Bernard The 8th Fire Algonquin Medicine Man

Jorge Luis Delgado He will be Teaching on the Sacredness of Peru and the Mystery of the Aramu Muru a Multi-Dimensional Doorway/Portal in the Hayu Marca Mountain in South Peru.

Rob Potter” Venusian Secret Science” Developing The Solar Body For Ascension

Closing Ceremony with Activation of Crystal Light