Online Healing Retreats
Sacred Activations for MONEY MONEY MONEY
Online Healing Retreat
~Sacred Activations for MONEY MONEY MONEY ~
Immediate Digital Downloads
~ Online Healing Retreat ~
Sacred Activations for MONEY MONEY MONEY
Immediate Digital Downloads
with Activations for Money, Money, Money
Activate The Sacred Geometry Within You with Sacred Activations!
Debtor Prison
This activation releases you from the collective consciousness of being in debt and the religious consciousness of being in debt. It releases any trauma or belief systems of imprisonment for your debt or your family’s debt. A lot of people feel indebted to society, to the government, to work, to family and society as a whole. This activation releases you from all of it.
Release from Government Assistance
Release from the need of government assistance to survive — Does all or most of your monthly income come for any form of government assistance? This activation is for those who feel they have to remain sick, disabled or unemployed to keep their benefits to survive. If you are afraid of moving forward or empowering yourself to improve your condition because of it, this activation is for you.
Caste System: Money
This activation releases you from genetic cultural, religious beliefs of being too good or not good enough. It aligns you to be a citizen of the universe without judging yourself or others. It allows you to align with your peers and feel good about yourself, no matter how you grew up.
Get in the Vortex of Creation of Abundance
The vortex of creation, creating abundance in your life. Abundance is an energy that we can plug into. This activation is to be used over and over again, getting used to this energy of creation. Of allowing abundance to flow. During this activation we also plug into the collective consciousness of abundance.
Damsel in Distress
This is for women who feel the need to be a damsel in distress, to be weak or need to be rescued.
This is also for men who feel they have to rescue women. This allows both parties to be in their personal power and attract a balanced and healthy relationship. This clears on the past lives, collective consciousness, and genetic consciousness levels.
I Am Worthy
Do you feel unworthy? Do you stop yourself from good coming into your life because you don’t feel worthy of receiving it or people or places or things? I felt unworthy of an amazing love I had in my life and I pushed him away and I married somebody that I was not in love with, because I felt he would love me and take care of me. Instead of being with the person that I was truly love with. Would you like to know that your worthy? In this activation I will remove those beliefs that keep you from feeling worthy.
Death and Taxes
In this Activation, we disconnect from the collective conciseness, genetic and past life. Let’s not let a silly belief keep us from making good money. The more money you make the more write-offs you have and, yes, the more money you pay in taxes— but you have more money and the more money you make the less it bothers you to pay taxes. Think of it as helping your country, the roads, the schools, it all a good thing to pay more in taxes. Because that means you make more money!!
Things Have to Get Worse Before They Get Better
There is no reason for things get worse before they get better we can start right where we are right here and right now. And allow things to get better for ourselves and for our world.
And Many More By Divine Guidance…
Tamra will allow the Divine to guide her to any other activations Divine feels necessary to your success and your financial freedom on this webinar! As the webinar proceeds Tamra will listen for divine inspiration so that you can gain maximum benefit from this webinar…
Why Sacred Activations?
Sacred Activations unplug you from the group consciousness that may be controlling your life…..and you may not even be aware of it. This planet we
call Earth is changing and evolving very quickly. As a world we are moving our vibration from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension.
The Third Dimensional grid system is filled with fear and a suffering energy and keeps you locked into those energies.
The easiest way for us to change this situation is to clear out our belief systems to allow ourselves to vibrate at higher and higher levels.
Sacred Activations give you a better connection to see your spirit guides, your Angels, to the Creator of all that is,
and to your Higher Self. Allowing you to live in peace, knowing all is well, and that you are safe.