Online Healing Retreat

with Sandra Walter

Mastering Crystalline DNA

downloadable Video Version.

PLUS Bonus Audio: SUNday Unity Meditation & Ascension Discussion
OHR Sandra Walter 10.2018

Online Healing Retreat:

Mastering Crystalline DNA 

downloadable version

in Video & Audio


Mastering Crystalline DNA

Sandra Walter, Ascension Guide and Wayshower, leads a two-hour online retreat focused on Mastery of Crystalline DNA.

In this retreat we will explore:

– How to engage with the three phases of Crystalline DNA activation
– Aligning the Multidimensional Self to assist with Divine DNA in the Now
– Powerful tools to create Embodiment of the Christ/Crystalline Consciousness

When the fields of our activated DNA, which creates our coveted experience of Divinity in form, begin to spin and radiate diamond-solar plasma light, our energy fields expand to match that vibration. Our activated heart centers collectively lock into the vibration of Unity consciousness itself.

DNA creates personal, collective, and multidimensional experiences in form. It is a photonic light receiver-generator. It traverses dimensions and densities. Crystalline DNA contains stargate codes for the experience of the Solar Cosmic Christ, or a Divine HUman template experience.
When we activate these etheric crystalline bridge/Christed/Crystalline strands of DNA, we begin to embody our multidimensional Self; the simultaneous awareness of many aspects of Self.
We reconnect our awareness of Source-as-Self as a purified, very clear awareness. This known as the Christed/Crystalline/Unity consciousness state. It triggers massive collective acceleration for those choosing Ascension. This is happening Now.
Christ consciousness shining through the crystalline DNA is a bridge between worlds. Just like a Primary Christed Ascension timeline, we utilize crystalline DNA as a Gateway to a new experience, because it bridges dimensions and densities.
Embodiment of the Christed Self is changing the HUman heart grid, and providing the new experience as a palpable reality for all willing hearts to align with. The revelation of our Solar focus, Gaia’s Solar activation, and our Solar Heart activation, weaves us back into the cosmic fabric of Oneness; Pure Unity Consciousness.
Join us for this comprehensive and activating journey of our Divine DNA.

PLUS! Bonus Online Healing Retreat: Unity Meditation in MP3 download. 2.5 hours.