Online Healing Retreats
The 12 Star Councils Quantum Activations & The 12 Diamond Light Chambers of the I Am Avatar Race
A 2-Part Series
Saturday and Sunday, Sept 3 & 4
Online Webcast Rebroadcast with downloadable recordings & PDF Downloads
NOW in MP3 & PDF Download
Online Healing Retreat Description:
The 12 Star Councils Quantum Activations
Online Webcast and immediate MP3 Audio Download with PDF Download
Online Webcast and MP3 Audio Download with PDF Download
Join Anrita Melchizedek we experience the 12 Star Councils Quantum Activations. Through these Quantum activations we deepen our journey along the pathway of Divine Love in the Knowing of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. As we come together as the I Am Avatar Race, we experience the next level of our Soul’s blossoming, wisdom and magnificence, co-creating Heaven on Earth.
These Star Councils are: the Alpha Centaurians, the Venusians, the Vegans, the Arcturians, the Antarians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Orions, the Pleiadians, the Niburians, the Meldekians and the Brotherhood of the Light High Council. Traveling in our external Merkaba Vehicles of Light, and Overlighted by these Star Councils, we enter into the appropriate Ascension Seats of each Star Council. Within these Ascension Seats, and Light Rays of each Star Council, we are initially placed within DNA Star Ki Chambers of Light, as we experience the activation of the Galactic DNA Codes of Light and the merging and integration of our Christed ET Selves. The 12 Star Councils of Light then step forward with the Diamond Light Code Templates, activated though the Petals of the Christed Heart, and drawing upon the New Earth Templates and Universal Truths of this Golden Age of Light. Each Diamond Light Code Template takes us deeper into our purity and innocence, while drawing us closer in frequency to our Beloved I Am Presence and the Star Councils of Light. Following this, we experience Quantum Healing Pods to clear the remnants of old false beliefs and judgments, dis-comforts and dis-ease, as we embrace the full range of our emotions and the celebration of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. Additionally, the ET Quantum Healing Pods activates specific Light frequency spectrums to turn off the gene code of the dis-ease or false belief so it no longer activates or re-activates in this Now moment as we travel the Christed Timelines.
These Quantum Light activations and Christed heart frequencies align us into the Kingdom of Mother-Father God as we walk the Pathway of Divine Love, the Diamond Path, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And through these Quantum Activations, we connect into energetic matrices of different realities and dimensions drawing to us what we need in each Now moment. Each Quantum activation brings through its own unique multi-universal quantum frequency, amplifying our own unique ESP gifts and Soul’s joy. We have a sense of being rooted deeper into the infinite eternal Now moment, connecting to the Cosmic heart of All Creation as we experience the time-space continuum. This brings with it the ability to draw upon the Christed timelines most suited to each Now moment and/or the ability to move into all times and places of our choosing simultaneously. We find a new level of communication activate within the cells through Solar Crystalline Consciousness, in our ability to lovingly connect to each sub-personality aspect of ourselves. Additionally we experience a greater level of cellular regeneration and rejuvenation through these new Quantum activations of Light. We have a deep sense of knowing how divinely supported and deeply loved we are, as we walk the Pathway of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.
All participants will receive a high quality Mp3 as well as the telewebinar transcript. Additionally we are gifted with 12 Diamond Light Code Holographic Crystalline Geometry Templates designed by Rick Ruggles. These Diamond Light Code Templates further assist in a deeper level of the Christed heart activations and recalibration of our multidimensional bodies as well as recalibrating and rebalancing many of the increased ascension symptoms we are experiencing in this Golden Age of Light.
Come join us in the beautiful Quantum Activation offered live on Quantum Conversations as Anrita shares this transmission from the Elders in the form of invocations and Light language frequency activations.
Session 2: Sunday, September 4
TIME: 11am Pacific / 12pm Mountain / 1pm Central / 2pm Eastern / 6pm GMT
Online Healing Retreat Description:
The 12 Diamond Light Chambers of the I Am Avatar Race & The Activation of our Diamond Light Body
Online Webcast and immediate Downloadable recording and PDF Download
In this sacred year of 2016, as we walk the path of Divine Love, we connect deeper into the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light through the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence, the Star Councils and the Sisterhood of the Rose.
Through the many amazing Planetary activities of Light orchestrated by the Company of Heaven and activated through us as the sacred way showers and physical vessels of Light, we have experienced the Diamond Light codes spiraling forth from the Cosmic Heart of God, through the Central Sun and Suns beyond the Sun, as well as the knowing and integration of our Divinity, our innocence and purity. Additionally, we have been enveloped in the beautiful Pink Flame of the Sisterhood of the Rose, leading the way forward through the Path of the Rose and the Divine Feminine archetypes of Light.
And now, as the I Am Avatar Race, the Star Councils come forward to bring through the luminosity of the Diamond Light Chambers that take us deeper into Self Enlightenment and Self Mastery as we experience the New Earth Templates as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
The Sisterhood of the Rose additionally step forward to deepen the flow of Divine Love within our Christed hearts through their beautiful Flames of Light, and following this, the Star Councils bring in their Diamond Light Chambers, multidimensional, multicolored Light Chambers linking us through and to all dimensions of Light. Connecting into the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light and our Beloved I Am Presence, we experience:
The Happiness Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Silver flame of Light and Overlighted by the Pleiadian Star Council.
The Peaceful and Serene Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Platinum Flame of Light and Overlighted by the Orion Star Council.
The Loving and Compassionate Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Pearlescent Flame of Light and Overlighted by the Vegan Star Council.
The Unity Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Silver-Gold Flame of Light, and Overlighted by the Sirian Star Council.
The Emotional Stability Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Pink and Purple Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Venusian Star Council.
The Patient and Understanding Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond Flame of Light and Overlighted by the Brotherhood of the Light.
The Humility Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Pink and Emerald Green Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Antarian Star Council.
The Insightful and Open-Minded Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Rose-Gold Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Nuburian Star Council.
The Inner Strength Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Violet Silver Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Arcturian Star Council.
The Leadership Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Golden White Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Andromedan Star Council.
The Good Health Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Copper-Gold Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Meldekian Star Council.
The Committed Service Choices Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Magenta and Violet Flame, Overlighted by the Alpha Centaurian Star Council.
As we integrate the qualities of the I Am Avatar Race, we are further presented with the opportunity to activate our Diamond Light Body/Merkaba field through all dimensions of Light, into the Kingdom of Mother/Father God.
The Light Body/Merkaba field extends approximately 54 feet/16.2 meters in diameter around us when fully activated and holds all the codes for the activation of the dormant DNA. This activation further assists in creating a radiant, etheric, electronic body of Light, the perfect Adam Kadmon blueprint. Additionally, the Light Body/Merkaba field links us into to the Unity Grid of Divine Love within and around the Earth plane, and into the unified hologram of Love of all Life on this Earth plane.
Once the Light Body/Merkaba field is activated, the sacred geometries of the platonic solids are also activated, as are the higher earthly rays. The platonic solids are the cube, the octahedron, the tetrahedron, the icosahedron and the dodecahedron, and in the Light Body/Merkaba activation, we became an extension of the Christ Consciousness grid around the Earth plane, reflecting the exact sacred geometry and harmonic resonance found within the New Earth Templates of Light.
This is a powerful energy technique that will take us deeper into unconditional Love and the experience of Unity Consciousness, also called the Ninth Dimensional Light Body/Merkaba activation.
Come join us in this powerful Diamond Light Chamber and Light Body Activation offered by Anrita Melchizedek and hosted by Lauren Galey on Quantum Conversation as we experience a collective sense of Self Mastery, knowing how deeply we are loved, celebrated and appreciated.
All participants will receive a high quality Mp3 recording, the transcript of the telewebinar plus a PDF eBook on The Light Body/Merkaba activation.