Online Healing Retreats

with William Henry

The Path of Souls

Tapping Your Divine Self, Assembling the Ascension Kit
and Achieving Awesome Holiness (er Wholeness)


Online Healing Retreat with William Henry

Tapping Your Divine Self, Assembling the Ascension Kit and Achieving Awesome Holiness (er Wholeness)

A Visual Presentation on Ascension Art

3 Sessions 2 Hours Each – Total 6 Hours Video & MP3 & Download

William Henry is internationally recognized for his innovative interpretations, continual discoveries about ancient gateways and human transformation and shares this message with you:

A Message from William Henry:
Times have changed. We’re in a new realm. Are you ready for the next step in your incredible journey?

“The Path of Souls” is about the soul’s journey to awakening or Enlightenment and the great gift that knowledge of Ascension brings. Having crossed the Milky Way’s center during the Great Cosmic Cross of 2012 we are now embracing a new, cosmic light. In this light we will shine as never before and open to new levels of wisdom. Join us in Nashville and discover how.

This is the Online Version of an extraordinary new presentation that is, simply, the most complete ascension teaching available anywhere. Drawing from William’s recent works The Secret of Sion and The Judgment Day Device, this workshop is about assembling our Ascension Kit, uniting with our higher Divine Self and enjoying a whole life on the Path of Souls. Based on ancient ascension teachings of many cultures, and featuring what may be the world’s most exquisite and empowering collection of “soul activating” ascension art, the Path of Souls will touch your heart, connect you to your deeper Divine Self and show us the awesomely holy way ahead.

Our wake up call. Quantum physics has proven that thought creates our reality out of an ever changing energy field. We become what we think about most. Our soul becomes what it beholds. The Path of Souls provides tools that will change your earthly life and prepare you for the greater journey ahead in this life and beyond.
In addition to discussion about the Rainbow Body, Ascension, stargates, new galactic energies topics of “The Path of Souls” include:

  • The Judgment Day Device. Revealing it can align or balance us with higher forces, empower us, and bring world peace and a spiritual renaissance in the 21st century as prophesied.
  • Awesome Holiness. What if you had the ability to bestow blessings on everyone and everything you encounter? The fact is, you can. Learn how.
  • The Hero With a Thousand Facets. The great mythologist Joseph Campbell described the soul’s journey in The Hero With a Thousand Faces. Dr. Brian Weiss described the heart as a diamond with a thousand facets, each one needing cleaning. William combines elements of both teachings in “The Hero with a Thousand Facets, a special section on illuminating the heart and soul.
  • A successful soul is a resurrected soul. What can you do to assure your soul’s ascension?
  • The Nashville-Orion Correlation. Ancient Nashville was a shamanic center where the steps along the Path of Souls to the Orion stargate were taught. The mystery teachings of the ancient Nashville culture centers on the belief that Orion is the gateway to the Galactic Center. This corresponds with Christian teaching that Jesus will return via Orion’s gate.
  • And much more.