Quantum Conversations
Broadcasting High Vibrational Frequencies
to Empower, Inspire and Elevate Lives.
to Empower, Inspire and Elevate Lives.
Enjoy this Episode with Featured Guest
QCTV: Living in 5D with Meg Benedicte
About This Show
Enjoy this QCTV episode with Quantum Activator Meg Benedicte who takes us deep into the conversation of living in 5D. It’s a New Earth grid we are anchoring to, and Meg shares more on how we access the 5D earth plane through our Heart Vibration. We must unlearn the dysfunctional 3D patterns and programs, contain our own personal space and stop empathing others. Living in 5D also means living in accordance to Universal Law of Soverignty. It is in the 5D where we Master the Ego, and thus, eliminate parasitic behavior and relationships. Learn how to open the flow of Abundance and many more 5D tips.
Quantum Access® is the ancient method of activating sacred geometry to utilize the vacuum dynamics within the Quantum Vortex, where positive and negative energy collides to destroy matter and recreate new. By tapping into the phi spin of Metatron’s Cube, we can integrate Soul energy inwards and release incongruent energy outwards.
Quantum Access® is the most effective, accelerated method to unlock molecular compression, time density and trapped emotional/mental/chemical information from the cells by neutralizing the gravitational field. The method of altering physical reality is the sacred tradition of Alchemy that was taught in the ancient Mystery Schools.
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