Quantum Conversations
to Empower, Inspire and Elevate Lives.
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QCTV: How to Clear Your Aura and Re-wire For Weight Loss with Sandra Schur
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Why is this? Food has primal associations for all of us that lead back to infancy. On a subconscious emotional level, we associate eating and being fed with being safe, protected, and loved.
This is the number one reason people become overweight. Their stressed inner child craves food to feel emotionally protected, nurtured, and safe. Chronic stress and/or inner conflicts around our weight and appearance (such as fear of being seen) can also cause us to habitually overeat.
The good news is by working with and clearing the emotional body (the aura) we can release the stress and inner conflicts that cause our unhealthy food cravings and naturally and easily lose weight.
In this interview with Dr. Sandra you will learn about this proven method for practically effortless weight loss.
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- Tap into the weight-loss power of your energy field
- Clear stuck energy in your aura that makes you overeat.
- Create new healthy eating, exercise, and self-care habits