Matthew John: Healing the Shadow Within

Shadow Work is an unavoidable, inevitable, and crucial part of the Ascension journey. During Eclipse season, we have a potent portal in which the shadow is apt to come out to be seen. As conscious Lightworkers we have a precious opportunity now to alchemize this untransmuted cellular density.


Jimmy Mack: Creating Change Made Simple with My Liquid Fish®

After his near death experience (NDE) Jimmy Mack was shown and asked by Spirit to bring this divinely guided healing technique out into the world. This simple technique, called My Liquid Fish®, allows each of us to create fast and profound energetic changes in people, places, things, pets, and situations. After he was first gifted this technique, he kept it to himself and quietly tested it while working with hundreds of clients over the phone throughout an entire year before speaking about it.

He was unsure of the magnitude of power which he’d been given until the increased results became undeniable and often miraculous. He believed then that there was a true purpose for having been given this gift and that the sheer simplicity of it was what made it so unique and usable for all.


David Strickel: Law of Attraction 2.0 with The Stream of David

Now that more people than ever before on planet earth understand that we create our own reality, the Stream has come forth with an evolutionary message and daily spiritual practice that will take your life to the next level. Once you understand and accept that you create your own reality, all of it, both wanted and unwanted, you can then set about manifesting with greater intention. The big puzzle piece that many seem to leave out of these teaching is that while all creation occurs via attraction, all attraction is governed by polarity.


Macaya Miracle: 6D/7D Ascension Activation

Would you like to effortlessly start living from the ascended dimensions? Join us for this Quantum Conversation to Raise Your Vibration to the 6th and 7th Dimensional Levels. Clear Your Blocks to Ascension, Learn to Access the 6th and 7th Dimensional Realms, Clear Energy Blocks, Experience More Bliss in Your Life and So Much More!!!


Miguel Dean

Miguel Dean: The Homecoming of Sacred Masculinity

Miguel Dean has travelled a hard road but the good news is that he found love along the way. In this show he will explain what the Sacred Masculine is and talk about his new book Bring Him Home – A Twin flame Love Story which is about the power of conscious relationship in catalyzing his own awakening.


Micheila Sheldan: Lightworker Exploring Truth

Quantum ConversationsBroadcasting High Vibrational Frequencies to Empower, Inspire and Elevate Lives.Enjoy this Episode with Featured Guest Exploring Truth: Clearing the Way to Strengthen Belief with Micheila Sheldan About This ShowAs…


Jewels Dela Teria Arnes: Infynite Gold: Youthen Aging with an Ascension Accelerating Skincare System!

Eternal Life is our True Nature. A Soul’s evolution depends upon expansion. Ascension into The New Earth frequencies is Humanity’s Gateway to Soul expansion on Earth. Jewels created Infynite Gold, Organic Skincare products, as a delivery system for elements and frequencies specifically selected to bring about this expansion. Jewels developed the Ascension Gateway Products to hold the frequencies that support those on the journey of Creating the New Earth. Infynite Gold is not only a miraculously effective youthening skincare line, it also utilizes the potent Consciousness of ORMUS Elements and the dimensionally transcendent power of Scalar Energy. Synergistically they activate the Divinity Codes within the DNA. Once the DNA is activated, the Awakening Process is advanced, which makes it infinitely possible to Ascend beyond the limitations of the mind, 3d programming and the illusions of physical reality.

Jewels brings High Frequency Skincare to YOU today for the first time in Telesummit History! Find out what it means to youthen aging by accelerating Ascension with Infynite Gold Ascension Gateway Products. Consciously Created for the Mind Body and Spirit, this is skincare of the future, now!


Tracey Ash: Avatar

We have an unprecedented cosmic opportunity to redefine humanity. Just what is happening in 2019/2020. In visions, of prophesy and contact since childhood Tracey Ash has been directed to premier ancient sites to open the seven gateways to our central sun. In her work with individuals she is a formidable channel and catalyst of your original sacred contracts. She is an EMOTO scientifically researched field-leader and meta-physics genius. Capable of weaving timelines over life times.


Anne Gordon: Dolphin and Whale Wisdom; Reclaim your Joy, Flow through life’s Challenges and Open to Abundance!

Discover the Gifts of Wisdom the Dolphins and Whales want to share with you. Learn how you can dive deep into connection with the Dolphins and whales with Dolphin Ambassador and Whale Wisdom expert, Anne Gordon. Opening a relationship with the Dolphins and Whales will gracefully transform your life to one of Joy, Ease, Flow, Unity/Community, Abundance, Unconditional Love and help you to reconnect to your life’s passion and purpose.
